January 2014 Babies



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Good news my 1hr glucose tolerance test and my A1C was normal!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Good news my 1hr glucose tolerance test and my A1C was normal!

  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm just checking in. I'm 15 weeks today and we just found out yesterday that we are having a little girl! I'm so excited! We did that new Panorama test which gives almost all of the same info as an amnio only all they had to do was a simple blood draw from me and cheek swab from dad. Science is so cool!

    Ah congrats on your little girl! What's a panorama test? I had the first draw on that AFPN test, but not heard of that Panorama?

    It's a brand new test that they are offering. I guess there are 5 brand names for the same test but the one my hospital is using is the Panorama. They draw your blood and are able to find the baby's DNA in it. From that DNA, they can determine all the major issues that an amnio would find (minus spina bifida) and also the gender. I was offered this test as alternative to an amnio as I am old...LOL! (38). I would imagine that if you didn't see a genetic counselor through referral that you might not be offered the test. It is really a cool thing and I can see that maybe in the future most people will skip the amnio all together (if they are having a singleton anyway....doesn't work for twins apparently).
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing great!

    I got to hear Little Roo's HB again today. It's the best sound in the world! It was just a doppler check, but doc found the HB almost right away! Very reassuring as I will be hitting the 12w mark next Monday:happy: Our next appt is on August 8th...the day before our 5 year wedding anniversary. :heart:
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,685 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing great!

    I got to hear Little Roo's HB again today. It's the best sound in the world! It was just a doppler check, but doc found the HB almost right away! Very reassuring as I will be hitting the 12w mark next Monday:happy: Our next appt is on August 8th...the day before our 5 year wedding anniversary. :heart:

    Yay, that's great! We hit 12 weeks on Thursday - I reckon these have been the longest three months of my life.
  • rainysue34
    rainysue34 Posts: 42 Member
    I found out mid-June that I was having a baby and I thought it would have a February birthday. But I just had an ultrasound today and measured at 15w4d, putting my EDD at 12/29! Since my last baby was 10 days past the EDD, I'm betting on a January birth. (And I'm also not quite ready to accept that I might have another baby by the end of this year!)
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    Haven't posted on here for ages as I've been feeling rubbish, sickness and exhaustion are beginning to fade now though! I'm 13 weeks tomorrow, have my dating scan on Monday (will be my 4th scan, hence already knowing the dates!) Unfortunately my husband will be away on a course so I'll be on my own. We've just been reposted (he's army) so I don't really know anyone where we are, all our families are over 100 miles away so I'm quite nervous!

    Congratulations to all of those who've just joined :)
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Are there any mothers out there that had c-sections and then had successful vbacs in subsequent births? I'm really hoping to have a vbac with this second child, but some people I've spoken with said not to get my hopes up because they don't happen all too often. I hope this isn't the case! Anyone....?
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I found out mid-June that I was having a baby and I thought it would have a February birthday. But I just had an ultrasound today and measured at 15w4d, putting my EDD at 12/29! Since my last baby was 10 days past the EDD, I'm betting on a January birth. (And I'm also not quite ready to accept that I might have another baby by the end of this year!)

    Wow! Congrats!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing great!

    I got to hear Little Roo's HB again today. It's the best sound in the world! It was just a doppler check, but doc found the HB almost right away! Very reassuring as I will be hitting the 12w mark next Monday:happy: Our next appt is on August 8th...the day before our 5 year wedding anniversary. :heart:

    Yay, that's great! We hit 12 weeks on Thursday - I reckon these have been the longest three months of my life.

    it sure is the longest 3 months. OMG I just knew something bad was going to happen, but so far uneventful. I finally told the first family member. My Dad. Part of me was so afraid to tell because it felt like I'd be tempting fate, and lose the baby. So far it's just going along not really seeing any changes in my body besides the occasional side pain. I've got to get back to portion control because I'm starting to put on the weight.
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Hey all, congratulations to the many mothers who have posted since the last time I've been here!! It's nice to see the thread growing.
    I'm 15 weeks tomorrow, still waiting on a bump to appear! Hope you all continue to be well xx
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    For ladies due in 2014- January, February, or March ! A closer group for support, concerns and updates without getting lost in a larger group !

  • happysocks
    happysocks Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all, my EDD is 24/01/2013 :) I'm 34 and this is our first. Very very excited.

    I have only told my Mum and Dad so far, if I can hide it until my 20 week scan then we'll tell everyone after then, but I guess it will all be down to how long my tummy doesn't look obviously pregnant.

    Does anyone know when you tend to start to show ? I've got a bit of a tummy on me anyway so I'm hoping that will hide it, or will it make it look bigger and more obvious earlier ?!?!

    So excited, congratulations to all :)
  • rainysue34
    rainysue34 Posts: 42 Member
    Are there any mothers out there that had c-sections and then had successful vbacs in subsequent births? I'm really hoping to have a vbac with this second child, but some people I've spoken with said not to get my hopes up because they don't happen all too often. I hope this isn't the case! Anyone....?

    Well, I haven't had a vbac, but I'm hoping for one this time around. From what I've read, if your doctor let's you do a trial of labor success rates are often as high as 75%. But whether or not they let you do a trial depends a lot on your situation.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first child. We are so excited to be adding an addition to our family. I am due January 20th.

    Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy! If anyone is looking for supportive friends feel free to add me.

  • aulisse
    aulisse Posts: 9 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am new to the group, but to MFP. I found out I was prego in June, due Jan 22. :) The first trimester was carb and sugar central, with no exercise! Trying to get back into the healthy way of thinking and eating. Excited to have found this group!
  • meemoth12014
    meemoth12014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am 16w today with our first baby and excited to see what you other girls are up to as we go along! My EDD is January 15th :) Cannot WAIT to find out the gender in a few weeks!!!

    The first trimester and up until basically now I have has a lot of MS and have just been eating whatever I can hold down - a lot of carbs and salty food. Even water has been making me gag for weeks and I usually drink a ton! It has been slowly decreasing so I am looking forward to getting back to exercise and eating better, the way I used to! But - It's all worth it for the baby on the way!

    I don't have one yet, but we should get some baby bump photo's going with how many weeks along we are!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    hi everyone, Just joined the group. I am a mom of a 2 1/2 yr old girl and a 16 month old boy and I am due with baby number 3 on January 19! I just became an RN and am looking for a job (but it might have to wait till after the baby is born) I used MFP to lose my baby weight after my 2nd child and I got to a smaller size then I have ever been (size 2 and I am 5''2) I started off my pregnancy at 125 lbs and hope not to gain more than 25 lbs. I am only in my 15th week and I am already showing. I guess when ur thin every extra lb. shows. I was doing the 30 day shred for a few months pre pregnancy so i wanted something similar to do while pregnant. I found this awesome set of DVDs called ''Body by Trimester" by Joy Southworth. I get a great intense workout in 30 minutes. Thats basically it for now. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Does anyone want to join me in an exercise/water goal from week to week? We can post on Friday or Saturday how we did.
    Write your goals for the week on Sunday and then check in on the weekend so we can encourage each other and hold each other accountable (well, sort of). At least if we have to post it, we might be more mindful about it. :)

    My goal for this week (my 16th week of pregnancy)
    Work out:
    M-Th Crossfit
    Friday: rest day
    Saturday: light work out like biking or walking

    Water: 8 oz of water each day minimum.

    Jalyn (16w1d 179lb)
  • hayls86
    hayls86 Posts: 2 Member
    I would be interested - I am 18w1d pregnant with my 1st child and was unable to exercise from week 6-14 due to a hemmorhage found in an early ultrasound. I have the all clear to get back into working out again but have not done so more than twice a week since then!