Finding a running partner

fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
So, as some of you may know, I've been running. I don't run very far, or fast. The speed thing doesn't bother me, but not being able to do more distance bugs me. It doesn't bug me enough however to try harder. All this week I've had to force myself to run further than the 'stopping places' of the lady who was joining me. I *know* I could run further than that blackberry bush/to the top of the hill/ past that tree before she tagged along.

The last couple of days I've been noticing that I get to the old 'end' of the sections and despite every intention to go an extra 20m, I think..'bugger it, I'll stop.' Its not breathing or sore bits..its..well..laziness I guess.

So..I am thinking that finding someone to run with would be a good idea. But how on earth would one find a running partner? and would said partner need to be a bit able than you, equal, or slightly better? If the someone was better/more capable than I am, I think I'd spend half the time thinking I'll never be 'that good' and give up.

No I am NOT going to the gym.

All I aspire to is to be able to run a full kilometre in one stretch. That's all. No Fun Runs or marathons. Just a kilometre. (later it will be the entire route, then maybe the Launceston 10)

Any ideas on how/where to find a running partner?


  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    You could try googling for a local running club/page, they may have some suggestions or know other beginners in your area.. I am originally from a rural community so if you know this is not an option my other suggestion is to look up community sports clubs and see if you can 'join' the fitness aspect of their training. My netball club used to train twice a week and friends of mine used to come to train just for the 30 minute cardio stuff.
    Goodluck :)
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    A Mixed hash which runs Thursdays at 1900 .
    $3 per run. (Family most times) All runs have drink stops and grub is supplied. Grog is BYO There is some on sale at ON ON site. Average pack 40. This is a TASMANIAN HEAD COUNT.

    "Scary", 0408 145 397(MOB)0408 145 397 (MOB),
    "Bugsy", 0429 932 288 (MOB),
    Date of Last Update: 21-Apr-2013