Just starting out

Rumik Posts: 86 Member
hey all,

just discovered stronglifts at the weekend and have started the program this week. I'm just wondering how people are finding it, and how successful it has been for you. is the transformation really as fast as Mehdi claims?

I'm also doing this at home in my spare room, so don't have any safety equipment or a spot. Can anyone offer any advice as to how to make this as safe as possible?

Thanks :)


  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    What kind of transformation are you looking for?

    I was at my target weight when I started, and I see from your ticker that you are almost there too. My two goals were to reduce the body fat percentage and gain some (not much) muscle. I am on week 10 now.

    I gained about 5 lbs since starting SL. My body fat is definitely down and I can see more definition. I haven't put on as much muscle as I expected but now that I am getting into the heavier weights that will hopefully change.

    I am 5'9.
    Starting: 157 - 158 lbs, 12-14%BF
    Current: 161 - 163 lbs, 10-12% BF
    Ideal goal: 170 lbs, 10% BF

    Overall I love the program and look forward to my next workout.
  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    That's good to hear :) My target weight has been 140lb for a while but I think I could stand to get a little lighter, as my body fat percentage is still high - about 25%. I'd also like to be nicely defined and generally not feel self conscious when taking off my shirt in public - a problem I've had my whole life due to flabby stomach and chest. I'm 32 and 5'4, and currently 144lb.

    I just wonder how much more weight I will have to lose to get the muscle to show through - probably quite a lot :( I've been losing weight very slowly over the past 2 years, plateauing a few times before finding something to kick-start me, like the 5:2 fast that I'm currently on. I've been doing various strength exercises since the start of the year and have definitely dropped a jeans size in that time (my wife has started calling me bony), and I can see I'm getting more defined slowly and surely, and I can see my stomach shrinking, but I'm one of those people that is constantly hungry to do more, to optimise. So that's why I'm doing the 5x5 program - I just wonder how effective it's been for people and am interested in hearing how peoples' bodies have been visibly changing.
  • cupulous
    cupulous Posts: 8 Member
    I've gained about 5 lbs, most of it muscle, although I'm using some crappy plastic calipers for body fat, so who knows. I'm definitely stronger that I was at the start. I'm 5'9 and started at 155, looking to get to around 165-170 and ~10BF%. The most important thing SL did for me was to 'cure' my chronic low back pain (2 lower back herniations) that had been haunting me for the past 8 years. I'm very good friends with a competitive powerlifter and he says that this is a great program to keep any 'newer' strength minded individual busy and progressing for a long while. It's an intense workout routine, in my experience, that will make new demands on your body and change it, physically, according to the work your put in. However, any lifting program is only half the equation, you got to eat right too. If you're looking to get trim, you've got to eat right.
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 268 Member
    Just started week 5 today. So far so good. Not entirely sure of progress yet, I have way more weight to lose than you but I think its helped. Sure beats the bike lol.

    I work out at home also and I just wanted to mention, I have made it to week 5 without a rack. I am building one (welder by trade) and its almost done, the timing couldn't be any better either. I'm no strongman and lifting week 5 squat weight over my head to get into squat position is getting tougher. Do able but not the safest method. My suggestion to you is to try and find something like a used rack or even checking out plans to build wood ones. There are a ton online. IMO something will be better than nothing.

    Good luck with the lifts!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I've gained about 10 lbs, but I'm a lot bigger than some of you guys so that's not as dramatic a change as it sounds. I am 6'3, was at about 285 (down from 320) and started a 5x5 workout. Not exactly Stronglifts, but the exact same ideas for reps/adding weight. Breaks down like this

    Workout 1
    Squats (245)
    Bench Press (195)
    Pull up/Pull down (I can't do pullups yet)
    sit ups/abs (10-20 reps)

    Workout 2
    Deadlifts (225)
    Overhead Press (125)
    Barbell Curls (75)
    Calf Raises (bodyweight, sets of 8-12)

    Workout 3 (the killer)
    Front Squats (125)
    Close Grip Bench (175)
    Bent Over Row (185)
    Romanian Deadlift. (245 and grip is failing)

    I'm up about 10lbs since adding this, though I was eating like crap so I don't think it's all muscle. Cleaning up the diet and continuing the program going forward along with some running/cardio. I will follow up on my progress
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    My suggestion to you is to try and find something like a used rack...
    I agree. Check your local Craigslist/Gumtree. People buy them all the time and then end up not using them and giving them away for free or almost for free. It would be very problematic to get far in this program without a squat rack.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    My suggestion to you is to try and find something like a used rack...
    I agree. Check your local Craigslist/Gumtree. People buy them all the time and then end up not using them and giving them away for free or almost for free. It would be very problematic to get far in this program without a squat rack.

    Quick look on craigslist found a bunch of solid ones for around $300. More searching and patience and you can probably do better.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi. Welcome to the group. I hadn't lifted in years, and am in week 6. I have lost about 60 lbs., and am basically at my goal weight. I still have a gut that I want to get rid of. Not sure I see the dramatic changes that Mehdi talks about, but I definitely can tell I am making progress. I have increased my calories and just recently purchased a myotape and bf calipers, so measurements are a little hard to compare. That being said, I am continuing to lose inches while eating more and getting stronger, so am happy with my progress.

    I started with no squat rack, and quickly got to the point where I wasn't going to be able to squat any additional weight until I got one. I got a Body Solid PSS60X Power Rack on craigslist. It only has the two posts, not a full cage, but it is such an improvement. I would definitely recommend getting something sooner rather then later.

    Good luck, and I'll "see" you around.

  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks all. Looking into getting a squat rack from ebay, but I've got very little room to do this in. I need to look into it properly, but I injured my thumb on the weekend so I've been avoiding the weights. Desperate to get back on them tho! Will keep you updated with my progress :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Stick with it, it definitely works. I'd say do what the poster above did. There is plenty of work that you can do before a rack really becomes necessary. I've been doing the program for a few months and feel like I still have room to grow on some lifts before I'm really close to failure.
  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    I've bought a squat rack on ebay for a decent price - I don't have the room for a full-on power rack, and this actually takes up very little floor space. it should arrive tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'm extremely excited :D
  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    Well I'm half way through week 3 now and it's just starting to get difficult. Can't say I've noticed any changes yet but it's very early days. I'm adjusting to the rack well enough - only dropped a weight once or twice, sending my wife pelting into the room to make sure I hadn't killed myself, lol. I must admit I'm a little nervous without a spot for the bench presses, but I think I'll become more confident with using the supports at that angle as I go.
  • Jessemelcher
    Jessemelcher Posts: 15 Member
    Been doing stronglifts over a year now. It works extremely well. With limited self control you can achieve anything you want with stronglifts. You will see very. Noticeable results most likely in your 4th month. I was 6ft 245 lbs. 30+% bf Now I'm 205. Fluctuating between 13-15%. And I have very little self control with what I eat
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 268 Member
    Been doing stronglifts over a year now. It works extremely well. With limited self control you can achieve anything you want with stronglifts. You will see very. Noticeable results most likely in your 4th month. I was 6ft 245 lbs. 30+% bf Now I'm 205. Fluctuating between 13-15%. And I have very little self control with what I eat

    ^^ I am hoping this is my future lol. Even at 7 weeks I think I notice subtle changes, not so much in the gut yet, but arms, and shoulders funny enough. Could just be mental but at least its in the right direction.
    Glad you found a rack. The bench press seems weird to do with no spotter. Its my understanding to set your safeties low enough so you don't hit them obviously, but high enough so you don't get crushed to bad. I thought I read somewhere that your option in the event of total failure was the bar would likely still hit your chest (hopefully a controlled drop), but you should be able to roll it towards your neck of all places (hitting the safeties of course). Turn your head, slide, and gtfo of there. Maybe someone with more experience could explain this to us newbs?
  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    Been doing stronglifts over a year now. It works extremely well. With limited self control you can achieve anything you want with stronglifts. You will see very. Noticeable results most likely in your 4th month. I was 6ft 245 lbs. 30+% bf Now I'm 205. Fluctuating between 13-15%. And I have very little self control with what I eat

    That's MASSIVELY encouraging, thanks for posting :) I'm in week 5 now and have definitely started to notice changes in my shoulders and back... seeing muscles for the first time is exciting! I've also noticed changes in my stomach, though not visibly - using my stomach muscles just feels different, they feel stronger. Got a long way to go before I see any real changes in my stomach.

    My weight hasn't changed, but I'm dieting too so I imagine any gains in muscle mass I'm seeing are being offset by the loss of fat. Going to France on holiday next week so I'll take an unfortunate week off... hopefully I won't put on too much before I get back to training lol.

    The lifts have started to get hard now, particularly the overhead press. I know that's where everybody plateaus first, but I don't think I can last more than a couple more weeks on that, which is discouraging when I am still progressing with the other lifts. My other problem is that I'm running out of room on my bar! I don't have an olympic sized bar or weights - I've got a thinner bar and vinyl weights, and I'm getting close to hitting the max my bar is physically able to support, and I just can't afford to upgrade just yet, so that's also a worry.

    Glad to hear other people are getting on well with it too :)
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    ... I must admit I'm a little nervous without a spot for the bench presses, but I think I'll become more confident with using the supports at that angle as I go.

    Check out this link, and particularly item number 3. I bench alone, with no safety's, have used this method and it works.

  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for the tip :)

    I took a week off last week as I was on holiday, but while away I noticed some new definition in my back, something I've never seen before. So that's cool :)

    Before I left I failed on OHP for the first time, which sucked, but it was inevitable.

    I'm having a really hard time figuring out what to do with my diet - how many calories to target vs my protein requirements, all considering my age (32) and height (5'4"), and considering I'm still a stone away from my target weight. I'm just not sure what to do to hit my goals. Maybe I should stop worrying and just carry on as I am until I get to week 12 and reassess the situation?