Shin Splints??

stewarac Posts: 33 Member
So I've been happily progressing along my C25K, and am in week 4, aiming to graduate with the UK's very first Colour Run in July, and my knees are really painful :cry: Its quite a sharp pain every time I put too much force/pressure on them (like when I'm running).

Is this the dreaded shin splints I've been hearing about, or do I just need to get my gait analysed and invest in better trainers? Help!!


  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Definitely get fitted for good shoes. Doesn't sound like shin splints if the pain is in your knees. You might be heel striking, causing impact stress on the knee. Or you might have a tight IT band, which would cause pain more to the outside of the knee. Slow down your running, shorten your strides, and focus on landing on the midfoot to forefoot area. Your knees really shouldn't be taking a lot of force if your form is good.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It also could be that your shoes are too small. Shoes and form are the first step.
  • otai1
    otai1 Posts: 12
    Definitely get fitted for good shoes. Doesn't sound like shin splints if the pain is in your knees. You might be heel striking, causing impact stress on the knee. Or you might have a tight IT band, which would cause pain more to the outside of the knee. Slow down your running, shorten your strides, and focus on landing on the midfoot to forefoot area. Your knees really shouldn't be taking a lot of force if your form is good.

    Definitely follow his advice. I injured my knees a couple years ago. By slowing down and shortening my stride as well as leaning a little forward so I land on my midfoot has saved me from a bad knee and back pain. Good luck and run well! :-)