What am doing wrong? This isn't working :(

niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
I've been lifting heavy and eating at tdee -20% for almost three weeks now and my weight has not budged! What am I doing wrong? I have 100 lbs to lose and nothing seems to be working for me. This is a constant battle? I've set my macros to 40/30/30 and try to come very close to my calories allowance daily. Sigh. I really don't want to quit but I hate not seeing results. My clothes still fit the same as well. When is this plan going to work? Here is my current lifting stats: BP 60 lbs 3x8, DL 100 lbs 3x8, Squats 85 lbs 3x8, Rows 70 lbs 3x8, overhead press 40lbs 3x8, BB curls 45 lbs 3x8. Lifting 4 days a week. I also do 30 mins to an hour of zumba twice a week. What do I do? What am I doing wrong? Help! Shouldn't I be losing some kind of weight since I have so much to lose?


  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Don't give up, Niqua! My weight is slow to budge too. I thought it would be melting away by now, but it's not. However, I do not want to go back to feeling weak and like I have no control over my body and so I refuse to quit. As frustrating and disappointing as the weighing can be, I feel better. I feel strong and I don't want to lose THAT feeling. Try not to look at it as lifting to lose weight. Look at it as what you're doing for your body. The strength you're giving your bones, how much more deliberate you move with strong muscles. Think about what your body is doing and how it functions to actually lift 85 pounds. Most people will NEVER do that just because they think they can't. Please keep at it and see the big picture over the long haul. You are doing a great job. The weight will eventually start to fall in line.
  • ninababie2
    ninababie2 Posts: 44 Member
    Have you done a reset? Your calories may be too LOW!
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    Reset meaning eating at maintenance?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Correct, maintenance.

    Great strength numbers, but those don't have anything to do with weight loss, and you didn't share any numbers related to that.

    What's your BMR and which formula did you use?
    If Katch BMR with bodyfat used, how did you get that figure?
    What TDEE level did you pick?
    What is the 40 hr work week time spent at?

    Lifting 4 x weekly for how much time? I guess that means split routine then, not full body each time, right?
    Zumba 2 x weekly avg 45 min, rest day from lifting? How hard do you go on that class if non-lifting day?

    When did you start this exercise routine especially the lifting?

    How many calories gross were you eating before this, for how long, and with what activity level then?

    How many spots are you measuring, or how tight are the clothes you are basing it on (multiple outfits, or a single item)?