New to Group

ccole5200 Posts: 10 Member
Hello, I joined the group last night after being invited by New Again Pam and I really appreciate that. I have not been using the MRP tool for more than a month, but I think it is and can be an excellent motivational piece for me to help with reaching my weight loss/fitness goals. I like how it makes me more accountable. I am not familiar with using many of the functions on MFP, like I have no idea how to get that ruler that is on my profile off because it makes me think I am not doing anything because the snail never moves on the ruler, Anyway I am happy that I joined the group because what I have read so far it seems like everyone of the members are accepting and non-judgmental which I need at this trying time in my life, Yesterday I was a total slacker my doctor told me I had a tumor in my neck and how I gotta find out if it is benign.That info is sort of messing with my mind but I today I feel like weight loss/fitness is going to be needed to stay healthy more than ever. Almost forgot I am a college student and my class is graduating next week, but I still have 3 classes to take over the summer and I am being inducted into all these honor societies it is all kinda stressful for me being a non-traditional, older, woman of color, Many factors that don't fit the mold that society has of a college student. Regardless, I try to stay positive and I wish everyone here much success in reaching there goals. We can do this!!


  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Ccole!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the group and hope that each of us can give you the necessary support and motivation to reach those goals of being healthy & fit.

    I want to give you a HIGH five on your college accomplishments, too! It speaks of all of your dedication and hard work.

    I can imagine the anxiety you are feeling with your latest doctor visit and lets speak words that the neck tumor is absolutely benign. Please update us on your results if possible. Your attitude of staying positive will go a long way.

    Note: Go here to read about weight loss tickers. You should find an option to "unshare" it from your forum posts, etc.

    Have a super Saturday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Welcome to the group Ccole! glad to have you join :)

    I am sure it is a stressful time waiting for news from the doctor, that can be a factor in weight loss they say. Congratulations in graduating from college, a real celebration! My son has just finished his first year (of four or five) and my other son will start next Sept. Yikes.

    Nice to have you with us and look forward to getting to know you!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    WELCOME!!! So happy to have you! There's lots of different types of workouts being represented here in the group. Always something new to learn or explore...or just to remain consistent with what we are already doing. I hope you will make the commitment to check-in daily, even on rest days. The accountability is just what many of us need; and the dedication to fitness is a commitment to yourself and your own well-being that will carry over into all aspects of your life. At least that has been my experience.

    I have a dear cousin who is receiving treatment for a neck tumor right now. I am in periodic contact with him via e-mail. He is a lifelong runner and has also practiced yoga and meditation at various times. But I think that it has been this recent health-related journey that has really opened his eyes to the true nature of this mysterious thing we call 'life'. It all works and comes together in (sometimes) mysterious ways. We can take away from it as much as we want.

    It sounds as though you are taking the bull by the horns, breaking the mold of what is a "typical college student", and getting honors t'boot!! Good on you!! Congratulations!

    Feel free to "jump in" on the daily threads! Can't wait to hear from you! :)