Week 2 Challenge

SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
Ok so let's add to Week 1 and make this Monday - Sunday just to keep focused through the weekend.

Drink 10 glasses of water/liquid
Exercise 4 - 5 times
Stay within calorie goal
Log all calories

Try to think of a bad eating habit you may still have and what you can do to change it. Is it to snack while cooking and not logging the calories?


  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    Ok here is my week challange which is to get my bread consumption under control. I am not going to over eat the challah like I did today - I will have will power if I can do it with Chick-fil-a I can do it with bread!
  • puddensisk
    puddensisk Posts: 30
    My bad habit is having a late-night snack. Even though I usually stay within calorie limit I know it is not a good thing to eat late at night so my challenge is to not eat anything after supper.
  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    im in!! :))
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    My bad habit is having a late-night snack. Even though I usually stay within calorie limit I know it is not a good thing to eat late at night so my challenge is to not eat anything after supper.

    I have the same problem! This will be what I work on next! :)
  • copple95
    copple95 Posts: 9
    Im in for week 2!! Not tracking every little bite/snack is my biggest problem!! Gonna work on that this week!! 2.2 lbs down the frist week!! Good luck and God Bless!
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    We are heading into the weekend and I am sure many of us are busy. Here is a great tip - carry a water bottle to help avoid buying a soda and put a snack in our car/purse in case you need a little bite.

    Good luck and I cannot wait to hear the success stories on Monday!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I tried not to have an unnecessary snack last night. It wouldn't have killed the calories, but it was just not needed.