4 Golden Rules to beat BED

Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
Just read (and listened the the audio of) Paul McKenna's "I Can Make You Thin". It's about reprogramming your brain to be more satisfied with less food.

Has anyone else read this? It is amazing!

He has 4 Golden Rules;

1. Eat only when you're hungry.
2. Eat what you want to, not what you think you should.
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.
4. Stop when you are full.

This sounds so simple (and it explains it must better in the book) but I've been doing it for the last few days and I've actually been able to leave food on my plate (something I've not managed in a long time).


  • dladisheff
    dladisheff Posts: 43
    The book sounded good so I went to Amazon and read the first few pages.....sounds great, so I ordered it....should be here by Wednesday....thanks!

  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I requested this from the library. Looks interesting...
  • mom2izzyandallen
    mom2izzyandallen Posts: 25 Member
    I WANT to also. Need to order it.
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    I've been trying these principles as laid out in the book plus listening o the "hypnosis" audio before going to sleep. I must say, I'm very pleased. It's changed my whole outlook concerning food. I'm eating without deprivation but also able p leave food on my plate unbeaten when I'm full now (something I've not managed in a long time). I've slipped up a couple of times (something he says may happen during the reprogramming / learning phase & that's ok) but its definitely stopped me from binging loads of times.

    Worth a look everyone!
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    Massive break through today!

    SO proud of myself today, I feel like I've had a real break through day. I've managed to;

    Eat when I was hungry
    Stop when I was full (this is new for me)
    Enjoyi every mouthful slowly, consciously & without guilt
    Leave food on my plate
    And here's the biggest one - I had a bowl of trigger food (you'll never guess what that was ) as a planned, within calorie allowance treat and I stopped half way through it, realised u was full & put it back in the fridge for tomorrow. This is HUGE for me.
  • sailrunner
    sailrunner Posts: 41 Member
    Massive break through today!

    SO proud of myself today, I feel like I've had a real break through day. I've managed to;

    Eat when I was hungry
    Stop when I was full (this is new for me)
    Enjoyi every mouthful slowly, consciously & without guilt
    Leave food on my plate
    And here's the biggest one - I had a bowl of trigger food (you'll never guess what that was ) as a planned, within calorie allowance treat and I stopped half way through it, realised u was full & put it back in the fridge for tomorrow. This is HUGE for me.

    Congratulations - glad you're giving yourself kudos.
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    I have read his book several times, it makes so much sense. I even attended one of his seminars in London. How ever, I can never stick to the principals. I'm home alone a lot and always eating in front of the tele or reading. I have been doing this since I was a kid and it's a habit that's very difficult to break. Maybe I should read it again and give it another try.