Last Login Day

Okay ladies! There are 35 of us, and I see that 9 of use have not logged in to in 3 or 4 days. I know weekends are rough and I can personally say that I have not logged in on weekends because I'm usually blowing it on the weekend. My goal this week is to log in EVERY DAY, including the weekend, and track all food/water/exercise. Perhaps in doing so, we can avoid any weekend yuck yucks. :-) Have a great week!


  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    i was avoiding weekend journal, but i think i'm at a bit of a plateau for about two weeks, so i have gotten better about logging in even on the weekend,,,trying to keep myself honest,,,we can do it
  • chrisie1967
    chrisie1967 Posts: 14
    Yep! We can! After my weekend, I GAINED! UGH! That's what I get for not keeping a weekend journal. Oh well. This weekend will be different. :-)
  • beckslite
    beckslite Posts: 125 Member
    It is hard on weekends, but I've decided to log no matter what. Even if i'm over i'm going to log it. That way there is no secrets or pretending. :happy:
  • chrisie1967
    chrisie1967 Posts: 14
    Secrets being a key word to avoid. I agree. I'm going to do my best at logging my food this next weekend~!