Is body media working for you?



  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member

    2 1/2 weeks in and I still haven't lost. But I'm eating about 200 more cals a day than I was, and I'm not gaining, so that continues to be a victory.

    I'm trying to slowly eat closer and closer To my TDEE to test it and when I completely stabilize I will search for the correct deficit. I've decided to truly be patient this time!

    The Bodymedia is putting my TDEE about 300 or 400 calories higher than any most of the calculators. And I was eating several hundred below those calculators so this has helped me realize just how much I was under eating. No wonder I stopped losing and started gaining. My big mistake was in hugely underestimating my non-exercise activity. After watching my numbers, I can certainly say that no trip to the gym is going to make up for sitting on your butt all day! Lets get up and get moving!
  • tahinilove
    tahinilove Posts: 72 Member

    2 1/2 weeks in and I still haven't lost. But I'm eating about 200 more cals a day than I was, and I'm not gaining, so that continues to be a victory.

    I'm trying to slowly eat closer and closer To my TDEE to test it and when I completely stabilize I will search for the correct deficit. I've decided to truly be patient this time!

    The Bodymedia is putting my TDEE about 300 or 400 calories higher than any most of the calculators. And I was eating several hundred below those calculators so this has helped me realize just how much I was under eating. No wonder I stopped losing and started gaining. My big mistake was in hugely underestimating my non-exercise activity. After watching my numbers, I can certainly say that no trip to the gym is going to make up for sitting on your butt all day! Lets get up and get moving!

    This is so great to here! Im worried im in the same situation regarding metabolism. I decreased exercise and increased calories and haven't gained either. Im still not equalling my bmf though. It will be interesting to hear your further updates!
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member

    2 1/2 weeks in and I still haven't lost. But I'm eating about 200 more cals a day than I was, and I'm not gaining, so that continues to be a victory.

    You will get there.
    Several years ago I got Jillian Michaels book "Mastering Your Metabloism", she had this problem years ago. It turns out she has PCOS but there is lots of helpful info in there about getting your metabloism going.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Ok, I really feel like a freak now.

    My average intake for the last month is 1650 calories in, with a deficit of 1250 per day. I really kicked up my exercise this month. That should have produced a 10 pound loss (35k calories over 4 weeks). My weight has fluctuated over 4 weeks for a net loss of 2 pounds.

    Since I got the LINK in February, my deficit has been no less than 700 calories (daily average for the week). My caloric intake no less than 1300 (daily average for the week) - but usually at least 1400 and closer to 1600.

    I'm 5'4". I was 239 when I got the armband in February. Today I weighed in at 236.

    Today Isent my armband back for a replacement because it completely stopped working. While I'd like to think that it was a total dud and that my new one will have completely different results, the numbers it produced seemed realistic. Unless it was just programmed to give me realistic numbers based on my demographics and didn't really detect anything on my body.

    I don't know. But I guess what I'm saying is, "No, body media is not working for me. But it looks cool."
  • wanderer2222
    It's working for me! I'm still only getting started, but already I can feel the difference just in my motivation. I have to get up and MOVE to reach my target burn each day (I live a mostly sedentary lifestyle), so it's really been helping me get off my butt and go to the gym. Just seeing how many calories I burn in an aerobics class is super helpful (I can compare the different classes, and see which ones burn more calories). Also, having a step "target" makes me exercise more than I was before--I'll go for a walk to meet my target steps. I've been wearing it two weeks (although week 1 doesn't count, I was on vacation!! hehe), but I've already lost 2 lbs. Love it.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Ok, I really feel like a freak now.

    My average intake for the last month is 1650 calories in, with a deficit of 1250 per day. I really kicked up my exercise this month. That should have produced a 10 pound loss (35k calories over 4 weeks). My weight has fluctuated over 4 weeks for a net loss of 2 pounds.

    Since I got the LINK in February, my deficit has been no less than 700 calories (daily average for the week). My caloric intake no less than 1300 (daily average for the week) - but usually at least 1400 and closer to 1600.

    I'm 5'4". I was 239 when I got the armband in February. Today I weighed in at 236.

    Today Isent my armband back for a replacement because it completely stopped working. While I'd like to think that it was a total dud and that my new one will have completely different results, the numbers it produced seemed realistic. Unless it was just programmed to give me realistic numbers based on my demographics and didn't really detect anything on my body.

    I don't know. But I guess what I'm saying is, "No, body media is not working for me. But it looks cool."

    I would agree with much of what you said, but the information you provide doesn't give the full picture and there are certainly more variables to us and weightloss than meerly calories burned minus calories consumed. There is muscle vs fat, salt intake and water retention, TOM, etc.

    What did you do for excercise? Are you gaining muscle which my affect your results? Are your clothes looser? Are you logging all calories consumed accurately? And since the device crapped out it's possible that it wasn't giving accurate results. I have a desk job and find it a challenge to burn 2500 a day unless I make an effort to be active more during the day and get in a workout.

    Hope the new unit works!!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member

    You will get there.
    Several years ago I got Jillian Michaels book "Mastering Your Metabloism", she had this problem years ago. It turns out she has PCOS but there is lots of helpful info in there about getting your metabloism going.

    I'll have to check out that book!
  • tahinilove
    tahinilove Posts: 72 Member
    Ok, I really feel like a freak now.

    My average intake for the last month is 1650 calories in, with a deficit of 1250 per day. I really kicked up my exercise this month. That should have produced a 10 pound loss (35k calories over 4 weeks). My weight has fluctuated over 4 weeks for a net loss of 2 pounds.

    Since I got the LINK in February, my deficit has been no less than 700 calories (daily average for the week). My caloric intake no less than 1300 (daily average for the week) - but usually at least 1400 and closer to 1600.

    I'm 5'4". I was 239 when I got the armband in February. Today I weighed in at 236.

    Today Isent my armband back for a replacement because it completely stopped working. While I'd like to think that it was a total dud and that my new one will have completely different results, the numbers it produced seemed realistic. Unless it was just programmed to give me realistic numbers based on my demographics and didn't really detect anything on my body.

    I don't know. But I guess what I'm saying is, "No, body media is not working for me. But it looks cool."

    It could be that your overall deficit is actually too high. 1300 calories is definitely less than your bmr