I have failed AGAIN

Strong_Heart Posts: 32 Member
Things have NOT been going well on my weight loss journey. In the month of April I totally blew it!!

I am ashamed to say that my eating got out of control and remained so for the whole month. :cry:
Today, [5/7/13], I made the decision to rein my appetite back in, but it is going to be hard because I have re-awakened all of my food lusts.

I have not weighed myself since April 1st. I am terrified of getting back on the scale because I know there will be a weight gain and I really don't want to know how much damage my month long binge has done. :embarassed:

I feel like such a failure. :brokenheart:


  • angelgayla
    angelgayla Posts: 56 Member
    You are not a failure. The only time you fail is when you do not try again. You sound like you are ready to try again, so what you see as a failure is really an opportunity to start over. The goal is to not overeat and to do the best you can, when you can. It's not about passing and failing. It's not about being perfect. We are all human and no one is perfect. Put the past behind you, there's nothing you can do about April now anyway. Instead, use that energy to focus on May and eating better! One day at a time. If you are scared of the scale, stay away from it for a while until you are feeling stronger. You can do this!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Sorry to hear of your struggles, but we've all been there. Like Angel said, one day at a time. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why it's called the Present! So live your gift today, and do the best that you can. You are a work in progress, so hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Don't let one month turn into 2. It's better to take 2 steps forward and one step back than it is to take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Chin up and move on.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Strong Heart,
    Are you familiar with OA literature? It may be beneficial to do some reading. OA is about addressing the disease of compulsive overheating, it's not just about losing weight. There are many online resources with OA literature.