Who's getting a next-gen console?

DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
Which one are you getting?

While my favorite will be the Xbox Fusion, Infinity, 720, [insert name here], etc, I'm getting both. I'm hoping the PS4 gets in the fitness game (Move is a PoS), so I can justify the purchase.

Two weeks til Xbox day. :)

If anyone is on the Xbox now, drop me friends request to DigitalShamrock. :D


  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    I'll consider getting the next-gen xBox if they DO NOT go with always online, and the DRM that prevents used games from being played.

    Those 2 features are deal-breakers for me.

    You are right, i guess we'll find out on the 21st...
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Agreed with both those. I dont want the always online or the used game block. >< Let me play how I want to play dang it. Not how they think I should.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I hear ya. I think you're good to go though.

    Today, the news is there was a Microsoft memo going around about how the next box won't need to be online always.

    And there's a Forbes article about how used games WILL be allowed on both upcoming consoles. Basically, it's a situation where both major player (sorry Nintendo) don't want to allow used games, but neither has the guts to be first, because the other will just say "we allow used games" and scoop up a good chunk of the market.

    I think what all console makers will do is continue to make it easy and attractive to download games and use that as a way to gradually minimize the used gaming market.
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    Thats how I feel about the next-gen xbox. As long as it is not always online and doesn't incorporate DRM then I will most likely buy it.

    I already have a Wii U and I like it all right, but there aren't many games that catch my attention on the system yet :(.

    The PS4, I will probably get as long as it plays used games and doesn't "break the bank."
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'll consider getting the next-gen xBox if they DO NOT go with always online, and the DRM that prevents used games from being played.

    Those 2 features are deal-breakers for me.

    You are right, i guess we'll find out on the 21st...

    This pretty much says it all for me.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I hear ya. I think you're good to go though.

    Today, the news is there was a Microsoft memo going around about how the next box won't need to be online always.

    And there's a Forbes article about how used games WILL be allowed on both upcoming consoles. Basically, it's a situation where both major player (sorry Nintendo) don't want to allow used games, but neither has the guts to be first, because the other will just say "we allow used games" and scoop up a good chunk of the market.

    I think what all console makers will do is continue to make it easy and attractive to download games and use that as a way to gradually minimize the used gaming market.

    I wouldn't even see anything wrong with that. If they end up making downloading games better and better perhaps one day the online play won't be such a hassle. Either way I would still want to have both options.

    There are other reason I will play offline. For example sometimes I will be playing L4D2 online and I will end up on crappy team after crappy team or I just get sick and tired of all the loading screens. So I might hop over to some offline play just so I can kill some zombies for a while rather than just stare at a loading screen.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Eventually.... when the prices drop. I'll get a Wii U for sure.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I hear ya. I think you're good to go though.

    Today, the news is there was a Microsoft memo going around about how the next box won't need to be online always.

    And there's a Forbes article about how used games WILL be allowed on both upcoming consoles. Basically, it's a situation where both major player (sorry Nintendo) don't want to allow used games, but neither has the guts to be first, because the other will just say "we allow used games" and scoop up a good chunk of the market.

    I think what all console makers will do is continue to make it easy and attractive to download games and use that as a way to gradually minimize the used gaming market.

    I wouldn't even see anything wrong with that. If they end up making downloading games better and better perhaps one day the online play won't be such a hassle. Either way I would still want to have both options.

    There are other reason I will play offline. For example sometimes I will be playing L4D2 online and I will end up on crappy team after crappy team or I just get sick and tired of all the loading screens. So I might hop over to some offline play just so I can kill some zombies for a while rather than just stare at a loading screen.

    In that Microsoft memo, they mentioned single player gaming as a reason why the Xbox should be playable offline. I think Microsoft was leaning towards "always on" gaming, but realized the world isn't ready for that yet and backed off.

    I prefer digital versions because I don't like having game boxes clutter up my home. However, what I don't appreciate is paying about the same price for the game, which is BS, since there's no manufacturing, printing, inventory and shipping costs involved.

    That said, I do love beyond-cheap used games for games I normally wouldn't buy.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Im all good with it then if those options are sorted. In that case Ill be getting everything I can stretch my poor Grad student budget to cover. Once I get my new comp built then its offt to Xbox first, already eager for that one. Ill wing it from there. Though I do love me some PS so PS4 will be coming as well. And agreed with some of the above. Sometimes some single player action is all I want. Damn sucktastic people screwing with my chi in online play. >.<
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I was leaning towards no, but they seem to be plucking at my heart strings by having uncharted and mgs as release titles for ps4.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    I may get a PS4 (always a PS player) but not sure.. Depends on price and other things.. There's usually bugs/problems in the 1st batch of every new console IMO..
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    PS4 for sure. Not even in question. Day 1.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Eventually I will, once they've been out for a while and start getting more of a variety of game titles etc. I'm not the conventional gamer who is happy for FPS and sports games. So normally when new consoles are first released there is nothing i really am interested in.

    And like others, if they went to online only and no used games, I wouldn't buy. I went with the 4GB Kinect 360, so i don't have room to download crap tons of games. And I kinda use my flash drives to store what downloadable games I do have because I really don't want to buy an external.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    My 3DS is going pretty strong and consoles are kinda just getting to be meh. There hasn't been a must buy game for me in a long time. Though LTTP2 is the only thing I could consider that. Games are kinda getting to be copies of other games or just sequels of current games. Only thing of late thats been keeping me happy is some fresh idea's Indy Dev's have put out on Steam.
  • HammerIntoAnvil
    HammerIntoAnvil Posts: 4 Member

    I love my 360 and have been very happy with. So happy that I ever upgraded to a 360 slim.

    But the tech that the PS4 is based on and the Xbox Infinity looks likely to be based on is just too far behind PC tech just now. I'd rather spend £600 on building a mid-high PC that I can upgrade in a few years than spend £400 on a console that isn't back compatible.

    I'm also looking at massive savings on games. There is normally £20-30 difference between PC and console game prices on day one.

    I'm saving up money just now and will be buying parts after the new Intel processors drop in the summer.
  • bristarn90
    bristarn90 Posts: 13
    Since I am mainly an xbox gamer I will be getting the new xbox.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Anyone watch the new xBox reveal? the xBox One? (what a terrible name...it's the 3rd xbox, but we'll numerically make it the first)...
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    Yes I did, and I agree the xbox one is a terrible name, The COD Ghosts game seems like it could be a good game.. The console seems like its going big on the TV aspect, but I find it funny they added in a Sony blue-ray :P and idk how well the new halo tv show is going to be..
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    You can watch live TV... on your TV screen! A revolution!

    You can watch a trailer for the sequel to the film you're currently watching in a small window! Amazing!

    Call Of Duty now has an all new story featuring... a massive terrorist event, the collapse of the American forces and the deployment of special forces!

    Next gen dogs!

    Halo TV show! Now MS's biggest brand can follow in the footsteps of all the other great game to screen adaptations, like Hitman, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Doom, Dead Or Alive, Mario Bros, Street Fighter and Max Payne!

    Mandatory always-on Kinect! Now there's no way to unplug it to stop your games overhearing conversations and interpreting it as you telling the game to throw your character off a cliff!

  • bearcrusher
    bearcrusher Posts: 90
    Not the best reveal. At least we saw the console and the controller looks nice with its' supposedly improved dpad (thank god).
    Not much in the way of games though. We'll have to wait for E3 I guess for that.
    But man did they ever push the TV aspect. I'm Canadian so I doubt most of those features will even be available.
    Also I have no interest for a kinect sensor but sadly it looks like it's required. Hopefully most games ignore it.