Who's getting a next-gen console?



  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Yeah, the whole TV aspect is stupid to me. I cut the cord a decade ago and have a HTPC. I mean hell, you can even hook up a laptop to a TV with a HDMI cord. Add a Logitech K400 and you've got wireless control. It's not really complicated these days.

    I really wish they'd stop saying things like "the next evolution in gaming." When you catch up to PC gaming's ability, then talk.

    If I wasn't into the Kinect and its potential, I wouldn't be interested at all yet. They've shown nothing of gaming value as far as I'm concerned. Keep the Halo thing. If I had to pick, I'll take Killzone. :D

    Might be me, but the One feels like a bloatware mess. I just want to play a game.

    And yes, if games aren't going to take proper advantage of the Kinect 2, then forcing it on people is just stupid. And it takes up extra space.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    PS4 for sure. Not even in question. Day 1.

  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    PSA : Please send all old consoles and games to Ahviendha, address is 600 Awesome St, Bluth, USA.

    Ya I got nothing, no money for a new console. If I could pick though, ps4! always been a playstation gal.
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    I think I'll stick with PC.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I was going to hold off but they are tempting me by pushing all of my favorite game series for the release.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    It was announced ealier from the E3 show:

    Microsoft unveiled a line-up of brand new games, including new IP and popular sequels for the highly anticipated console. The launch of the Xbox One will take place this upcoming November and the console will retail for $499.99
  • Yeah the Xbone looks like a no sale for me.It really isn't grabbing me with its' games. Nothing screaming out to me to spend $500 anyways.
    Also I Metal Gear, Titan Fall, Destiny are all non exclusive so no that's nice.
  • bullsfan22
    bullsfan22 Posts: 104
    Nothing seems worthwhile yet. I might wait for it to drop a bit in price.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I'm also in line for the price drop.

    Sadly none of the games on any of the consoles jump out at me and demand instant purchase. =/
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    PS4 is $399 and NO restrictions on used games. Only negative thing for PS4 is you MUST HAVE Playstation Plus to play online. However I have it and well worth it. Free games, discounts, cloud service, for only $5 a month. I think PS4 just owned this E3 show.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    It will be the WiiU and PS4 for me. CrapBox just got smacked in the face. While RYSE does look inticing, nothing else does. You should watch the "How To Share Games on the PS4" video. Halarious.
  • bullsfan22
    bullsfan22 Posts: 104
    I love pc gaming myself but really miss all the exclusives consoles get. It is the only part of me that wishes I still had one. All that said, Ps4 all the way for me too, Xbox is just plain creepy.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I might end up with the ONE just because the exclusives (ok, console exclusives) grabbed me more. I think both consoles are a little light on exclusives though.

    I pre-ordered both for now. I'll probably cancel one of these guys before release as I don't want a living room full of consoles.
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    Haven't had a Sony product since PS2, have been on the 360. However, with all the MS DRM and other shady bs stuff coming out of MS about the xbone I'm going to be picking up a PS4 to compliment my PC.

    Am in the process atm of selling my 360's, should have one sold tomorrow. Sold 30 out of my collection in a bundle, that I had been holding onto as I like to replay the good games. Still have 10 or so left that I'll sell piecemeal as they are newer or goty versions and I'll get more for them that way.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    This will likely be changed as it gets closer to the release date but here's the break down
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I'm waiting until they are released and we see how they work in practice. I don't want to be the guinea pig.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Having now had a go on both, I thought I should share my thoughts:

    PlayStation 4
    The console is cute and small, and the controller is lovely. Sits in your hand just right, the sticks feel sturdy and thumbs no longer slip off. The triggers also grip well and feel responsive. The trackpad is surprisingly reachable and very responsive and accurate, multitouch works well, using it to quickly zip around the map in AC4 and zoom in and out was much easier than doing the same with a stick and buttons. The camera is very small but I wasn't impressed with the image quality. Hopefully it was the room lighting (or lack thereof), but there was a fair amount of image noise.

    Xbox One
    It's big. It's actually slightly smaller than I was expecting, but still big. I don't dislike it though, the design would cause it to disappear on a TV stand fairly easily. The camera is huge and hideous though. The pad I'm unsure on. They seem to have filled the back out quite a lot so your hands feel quite pushed out. The bulk seems like a hybrid of the old Xbox duke pad and the 360 one. The sticks travel nicely but the indent on the top has been made much smaller so a thumb now rests on the stick instead of in it. It feels odd. The triggers seem to have less travel, and I'm very unconvinced by the trigger rumble.

    Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4)
    Very, very pretty. Framerate a bit too high for my liking. LAN multiplayer, I died a lot. It's basically Killzone, therefore I'm not very good, but somehow my team won. Fast and responsive, and even on a 40" screen standing 30cm away it looks very smooth. Nice to play an FPS with a Sony controller without getting annoyed by the positioning of the sticks.

    Resogun (PS4)
    Oh my. Just as was the case this gen, it seems the star of the next gen launch will end up being a little twin-stick shooter. So incredibly pretty. Things blowing up everywhere, a frantic battle of trying to keep up with everything going on.

    DriveClub (PS4)
    Biggest disappointment by a long shot. Cars look nice, but trackside detail is hideous. Massive jaggies everywhere, pop-up all over the place. Not that you can see much of that since most of the screen is covered in HUD, every five seconds your view obscured by the latest huge block of white text it insists on slamming in your face. Handling is all over the place. It's just generally not very good.

    Forza Motorsport 5 (XO)
    Much better. It's fundamentally a Forza game, but prettier. Not really much else to say. It's exactly what you'd expect. When I was first playing it I didn't think it seemed like that much of a step up. For about five minutes, when I played GT6 on PS3, and it became clear it's actually a big step up.

    FIFA 14 (XO - also played 360 version about 5 minutes after)
    Big, BIG difference. Especially when playing close to the screen. 720p with no anti-aliasing vs 1080p with a ton of antialiasing and higher res textures is very noticeable. The control feels smoother, the 3D crowds give the feel a big lift. And just little details, like now more than two players can jump to head the same ball.

    Dead Rising 3 (XO)
    Probably the biggest surprise for me. Very pretty, very smooth (too smooth for my liking), lots of zombies on screen. And a lot of fun, combined some great weapons. Dynamite crossbow made for big explosions. Combined a digger with a Lamborghini to make some sort of tank with a cannon and retractable swinging swords on the side. The demo was a case of having 10 minutes in a bit of open world with no goal, just kill as much as possible. I racked up over a thousand kills in that time. It's not enough to make me buy an Xbox One at launch, but if I was getting one this would be the first game on my list, which is greatly surprising given how much I hated the first one.

    Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (PS4)
    The demo I played was all at sea, which was thoroughly uninspiring. Sailed around, shot some boats, did some deep sea diving for treasure. I think the idea of the demo was to demonstrate the open world, but given I pulled up alongside a beach and swam to shore only to be met by an invisible wall it doesn't actually appear to have an open world. Again, it's Assassin's Creed. Cross-gen, so not that surprising. The performance increase is quite dramatic though. Doesn't exactly have incredible next-gen looking character models, but it's 1080p, with AA, locked at 60fps, with hi-res textures. Given the current-gen AC3 would routinely drop well below 20fps during sea battles with far less detail it's definitely a step-up, but ultimately it's a transitional game.

    So after a bit of time with each, my mind hasn't really changed. I'll be getting a PS4 on day one, and an Xbox One at some point down the line when my bank account has had chance to recover. They're out within a week of each other, I don't have the time over Nov/Dec to give both of them enough attention to justify spending £1k on two new consoles and games at once. PS4 is a bit cheaper, the UI looks a bit better, I prefer the controller (this REALLY surprises me since I love the 360 pad and hate the DualShock 3 but they've really nailed it this time), and after the complete XO reveal/backtrack fiasco combined with the value of PS+ it seems most of my friends are shifting allegiance this gen from 360 to PS4 so that's where multiplayer within my circle will happen. But they both seem like capable machines, both have some good games, but I prefer Sony's exclusive catalogue, the controller, and their general ethos towards gaming (ie putting their energy into making games and not recruiting advertisers), so that's where I'll be come November.
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    I would probably feel incomplete if I didn't buy a PS4.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Xbox and not anytime soon unless our console keels over.

    My next purchase is going to be a used wii, I wanna play with the fitness stuff and you can get them for like 50 bucks!
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    nah ill just rebuild my pc when i finally need to :D