Anyone just started this?

Hi, I see the last post on a 30 Day Shred topic was a month ago so I guess everyone has completed their 30 days. I just started at the weekend, and completed day 5 of Level 1 today. I'm feeling great for it already and am enjoying it, although it's tough, even the Level 1, I am having to do the easier versions of things like the push ups, ouch!

Seeing some definition in my shoulders and tops of arms already, and the boyf confirms this, so glad it's not just wishful thinking :)

Has anyone else started recently? How are you finding it?


  • MelClaire2000
    Hi Sazzle.....I did the Shred about two years ago and saw great results after just 10 days of continuous workouts-more definition, better strength and stamina, several lbs lost (along with moderating my diet some, no sodas, fewer desserts). I used 3lb weights the whole time and never progressed beyond level one. Stuck with it for about a month and then ended up dealing with a move and a work project that derailed me. Now I'm in need of losing 10lbs again (oh the dreaded final 10 lbs that never seems to come off!) So I have started back up again just today. Whew!

    I see you posted this three weeks have you come along? Hope you've stuck with it!