What do you guys do on your non C25K days?



  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Have you been following up with a protein shake after workouts? I find that if I don't dump some quick protein in my body after weight lifting I get really hungry. I have also read some where (don't remember if it was on here or on a fitnes column) that when you first start heavy lifting that some people end up getting hunger triggers, but that they do go away after about a week or so. I read to try and ignore them the best you can, but I don't really get anything like that.

    Anyway, I am about to be bumping up to -15% because of all the stuff I do now. The early days of C25K can be both the worst and the best. Especially if you are begining. Your legs will be sore from using muscles that you haven't used in years, but you will have such a sense of accomplishment for getting out there and doing it.

    As the weeks go on, you will find yourself able to do more and more. The key is going to be making sure you do not adversly effect your recovery, especially when you start getting into week 5 and on. Those recovery days are key, that is why it is recommended only to run the 3-4 days a week. The key for non C25K days is going to be finding an activity that is an active recovery from your running....which I happen to be bias towards lifting so I will always recommend it lol.

    Yes, I've been having a protein shake immediately after lifting, but not running. As I'm only on week 1, I'm really not breaking that much of a sweat on my running days and even contemplated adding more cardio in. I know that will change in the coming weeks!

    But good news - I haven't had a nap attack for a couple of days, even though I've had the most active week ever, and I'm much more comfortable with my higher cals these last two days.

    Thanks for your advice!
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    I only do the C25K program (3x per week) and nothing else in between. Is that bad? I really despise indoor workouts.
  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
    30 day squat challenge and zumba
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I only do the C25K program (3x per week) and nothing else in between. Is that bad? I really despise indoor workouts.
    That all depends on what your goals are. I do JMBR because I want to tone up, and I know running won't do that. If you don't need toning or you have no others goals beyond the running, then C25K alone is just fine.