
Hello, All,

Woke up the last 2 mornings with leg cramps, yesterday both calves cramped up at the same time (a wonderfully pleasurable experience).

I made sure to have a cup of boullion tonight before bed (I hadn't done that for a while), to make sure I had adequate salt. Just wondering if any of you have had that problem, and if so what you've done. They were feeling a bit "crampy" earlier, but feel all right now. I just hate waking from a deep sleep only to have to fight to stretch out my calf! Any suggestions would be appreciated :-).




  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    A pretty common complaint when low-carbing, as well as the salt I would supplementing with magnesium, pretty cheap, risk-free and should help with sleep too.

    I still take it just before bed even though I'm not low carb right now.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I had cramps almost daily for a couple of weeks, but I started taking calcium/magnesium/zinc pill as well as a potassium pill. I haven't had cramps since I started taking them.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    You may need more than one cup of broth.

    See here, also:

    PS: When I feel like I'm going to get one or have a cramp, pickle juice works wonders in a pinch. I've also drank it before going to bed when I feel like I'll get them at night.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I take the mag/potasseum pills too but I will also take calicum becuase some times that's what I need. I always take my vitamins at night since they stay in my body rather than going down the toliet right away.
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    You may need more than one cup of broth.

    See here, also:

    PS: When I feel like I'm going to get one or have a cramp, pickle juice works wonders in a pinch. I've also drank it before going to bed when I feel like I'll get them at night.

    Vitamin D - I was having leg cramp issues for years until Doc moved me up to 4000 IU per day! Very rare now but what everyone else has said can also be true - more salt, drink more water just before bed - I read that the body actually sends fluids to your organs (heart, lungs, etc) while you are prone so the legs can "dehydrate"

    And PICKLE juice actually does work - I think it's the sodium but whatever it is it really does work - my spasms were so bad I would be screaming at nite and hubby would have to pull my legs straight - I couldn't even stand to stretch....