Hypothyroid & Digestion

dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
I have read that most people who are hypo also have stomach issues - mainly with digesting their food. I seem to have this and it's gotten worse over the last year. I look like I've eaten a basketball most of the time. I do have a nautropath who I see, that has given me HCA to take twice a day, and I also take probiotics. Does anyone else have this problem?

And for the most part I eat gluten free - although nuts seems to be the problem lately.


  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    For me, it was acid reflux. HORRIBLE acid reflux. Got off the beta blockers and tried attacking the problem differently (supplements, lost a few lbs, eliminated grains and soy). It's much better now.
    The supplement I used is called Heartburn Free (contains orange peel extract). I highly recommend it to anyone with tummy troubles.

    Found the below info on the Livestrong site. Might be worth looking into.

    Nuts & Seeds
    Some types of nuts and seeds, including linseed, walnuts, pine nuts, and peanuts, could also interfere with thyroid function, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/186793-slow-thyroid-foods-to-avoid/#ixzz2TBMg2P7F
  • franbreaux
    franbreaux Posts: 9 Member
    I went gluten free after a diagnosis of hypothyroid & Hashimotos. It helped, but I didn't lose the basketball stomach until I went dairy free too. My nutritionist said that gluten free and dairy free seem to go together. I know i had some ice cream yesterday and my stomach is bloated today. I can't do dairy.