I'm doing NROLAbs now...

And I think it's a great workout, granted I'm only 4 workouts in, but these workouts are kicking my butt, that's for sure. I did find the book a bit more confusing than Women as far as following the layout of the workouts, but it isn't anything too difficult. Just wanted to throw that out there for anyone contemplating Abs or Supercharged after Women. Abs is a great workout!


  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    cool! thanks for the feedback!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks! I have that book next in my queue, so glad to hear that you like it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I did NROL4Abs following NROL4W....while I initially found it "weird" to be doing my abs at the TOP of a work-out, boy did I EVER come to LOVE IT!

    Great work-outs....glad you're enjoying it!
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    Great to hear. That's next on my list too. Keep posting to let us know how it's going.