Fell off the wagon ,still Rollin down the hill :(

We went out for our anniversary. My husband had gotten a groupon and made a reservation. This is the kind of place there are not good choices that's why people go there.Then today I went to my adoption group Mother's day luncheon also blew it there.
I record my food here on My Fitness Pal so after 15 days of abstinence I blew it !!!! See for me,it's like dominoes.
I also feel like my husband doesn't get it with the whole groupon thing I have told please don't get so many.You know there's always some requirement you get this this this and food so it's too much. I do not have the willpower in those situations.
It's 4:30 my next meal will be good choices.
want to kick myself.
I hope somebody will give me some advice here.Thank you.
Happy Mother's Day !


  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

    Don't beat yourself up, we can all relate. I believe that you can deviate from your plan as long as you give yourself permission to eat differently during special occasions while avoiding trigger foods and binging, it's all about planning ahead, and remember progress, not perfection. I've had to restart my abstinent date sever times until I truly understood the nature of this disease.
  • sheltony
    sheltony Posts: 73 Member
    Hang in there, girl. I did the same stuff with the leftover food from the Eagle Scout Ceremony. Gained a pound last week. You know, the thing about MFP is it gives you accountability. Because I didn't stop posting daily food (and yes, did put in the bad stuff) and kept looking at the other factors (water, exercise) everything seems to be turning back to a better place. I expect to be imperfect and know it's about reaching out to others. When we can, I'd love to take you to the OA group on Fridays. The MFP format reminds me every day to pay attention and not think about hills or valleys. Those happen tomorrow and yesterday. This moment is the one that matters. It's not about beating ourselves us. That's the way to live in ego. When I can be aware of my H.P., it stops that line of thinking (or rolling). Sending you love and the gift of awareness.
  • LaterBetty
    LaterBetty Posts: 4 Member
    Today is a new day! I hope you are taking care of yourself and remaining honest to yourself and the program. We're only as sick as our secrets!!