Can't decide... wear water belt or not?



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    so all of you runners that don't drink during 1/2 marathons, how long have you been running? and those that do bring water, how long have you been at it?
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    so all of you runners that don't drink during 1/2 marathons, how long have you been running? and those that do bring water, how long have you been at it?

    I don't think I know any runners that don't drink at all during a half..I have a friend who, on his training runs, can go 20 miles without water, but he even drinks during a race. (I call him a camel, because I think that is insane) But a lot of people don't "bring" water to a race because of the handy volunteers who smile and give it to you (so you can proceed to spill half of it on your shirt, untl you learn the correct way to drink and run, which I have not :drinker:
    And a lot has more to do with temperature and sweat rates. I sweat, A LOT, and I get hot I tend to drink more....but that is me :)
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    You should not need it. You will need water and sports drink of course. I did Chicago that year it was brutally hot and just in case I wore my belt. But even though so many people said there was no water, i always found some and really did not need the belt at all
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    so all of you runners that don't drink during 1/2 marathons, how long have you been running? and those that do bring water, how long have you been at it?

    No water group here. Coming up on 10 years running this Fall.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    so all of you runners that don't drink during 1/2 marathons, how long have you been running? and those that do bring water, how long have you been at it?

    I don't drink when running and have only been running 1 1/2 years. Ran my last half with no water, and all training runs (up to 14 miles) without. I stay well hydrated every day, and am fine on runs.
  • kenleyj
    kenleyj Posts: 51 Member
    Rule of thumb is to not do anything different on Race day, if it's a marathon, you should have maybe practiced this hydration procedure in one of your many long runs. Seems like they have plenty of hydration stations though. My first marathon, i didn't bring mine and was okay. and my time was 5:12 then.
  • librarianjenne
    librarianjenne Posts: 66 Member
    It's really nice if you have a supporter who can carry your stuff for you. When I did Green Bay in 2010, I wore my belt, but got tired of it at mile 20 and handed it off to my husband (I think I overhydrated during that race anyway-- I even look puffy in the pictures.) I train with mine just in case the next marathon I do is on a hot day, but I'm trying to get faster, which means I want to wean myself off of carrying things while running.

    It is nice to skip the early water stops, which are always so crowded.

    I will say that my first marathon, in 2001, was very poorly organized and there were no water stops or other amenities from mile 13 to at least mile 20. (I got sick then and dropped out-- a condition that was not helped by the complete lack of amenities.)

    I have been running about 23 years (though with no skill, grace, or speed to show for it.)