GRRR...and its my own fault!

I did it to Red Bull....which is full of sugar....I had two over the weekend and now I feel uuuggghhhhh.

I did so good last week watching what I ate and drank too.

I'm trying not to beat myself up over it too much and today is a new day and so far only water to drink.

I just want these last 7-8 lbs gone. But hitting 130 ( 3 lbs away....for the last forever) would tickle me :)

Thanks for listening :)


  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Everyone gives in to temptation once in awhile. This weekend I had not 1, but 3 soft pretzels. Not proud of that, but I'm getting back on track this week so I'm not gonna sweat it!
  • mamas0811
    mamas0811 Posts: 97 Member
    my weakness is starbuck frappacinos :/ i did a 5K run on saturday and treated myself to one, but im really trying to stay away! so dont worry we all give in once in a while. Good Luck!
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Once a while doesn't hurt - just learn moderation. Or, ideally, go for the sugar free version. I find it hits the spot in the same way, and doesn't make it feel like my teeth are going to drop out from sugar overload.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    If you can kick the Red Bull habit that would be best in the long run,

    If not try what Kellehbeans said and go for the sugar free version- less cals, same experience.