Super fit burglars...

mykes13 Posts: 15 Member
So I was going strong on Day 2. Finished up, closed my lap-top and headed to school. When I got back to the house, I found out we had been robbed! Those *kitten* took my TV's, laptops AND 30 Day Shred DVD. SO ANNOYING!!!!!! Anyway, I got a little sick after that and have basically been taking the week off since last Tuesday. Question for the group: Now that I am feeling better (and have purchased another laptop) can I do two-a-days to keep up? Will I get the same results? Does God want me to stop listening to Jillian?


  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    First of all, :cry: WOW, that totally sucks that you got robbed! I would be freaking out so bad. Hope you're doing alright.

    This is just my opinion - I would not try and cram two day's workouts into one...UNLESS I'm going to take a rest day or two. But, then again, if you are just talking about doubling up to catch up with everyone, then it might not be so bad. If I were doing this, I wouldn't do them back to back. I would try and do one in the morning and one in the evening.

    But again, this is just my opinion.
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Ah, I'm sorry to hear what happened :( That really sucks and I hope you're doing alright now, all considered.

    I doubled up on a day to catch up with the group, but don't plan on doing it often (or counting it as two days anymore, anyway). Like, I feel like it's not quite in the spirit of '30 Days', for me anyway. No judging if anyone else decides to.

    However, I've actually sort of enjoyed doing Level 1 twice a day, so I might do it sometimes and only count it as 1 Day. I do it in the morning and again in the evening--I'm not able to get to a gym or do much walking/running due to weather here, so it's sort of my only CURRENT form of workout, whereas I know some other people do other stuff besides Shred. But yeah, I only count it as one day now.

    But by all means, catch up if ya need to! Having people around the same day as me has been a great help for keeping me motivated this far.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Sorry to hear what happened, hope you are doing alright.

    I wouldn't try to cram 2 workouts into one, but that would depend on how your body responds, definitely break them up morning to evening if you do. Just make sure you don't injure yourself trying to catch up.

    We're here no matter what day you are on.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    I would just do one day at a time and just finish a few days later than the rest of us :)
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Yeah, we're already staggered over a few days due to when/if we take rest days. Don't kill yourself to catch up! And sorry about the burglary. That happened to us a few years ago, and it's maddening.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Wow, that is so sucky! I hope you all had insurance to lessen the sting! I missed a day, and doubled-up once (morning and night). It wasn't too terrible and I felt fine the next day. But, everyone's different...