My pof profile: Suggestions?



  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    People read online profiles?

    Let us be honest, it really boils down to the pictures you upload.

    You can be someone who isn't attractive and have the most elaborate, descriptive profile on the planet, and have no responses.

    You can also be someone very attractive with a one line sentence "Theres so much to know LOL" and get a million messages.

    I mean, they call PoF the site "make for hook ups" for a reason, right?

    I get it, being honest in an online dating scene is good, but I seriously wouldn't dump much time into a real descriptive profile, besides if you tell them everything about you, what are you going to talk about when you actually meet up?

    that's your chance to prove everything in your profile is legit and didnt just sound good on paper. plus youre eating a burrito the size of your face, getting a little wasted and hopefully eventually making out.

    well not EVERYONE, as some people find this repulsive, but if I meet someone and there is some kind of instant insane chemistry - i might make out with them, because I honestly dont think this would hurt my chances of him taking me seriously, or stop him from liking me as a person. This goes for dates that originate online or organically.

    I prefer relationships that start out organically. because I have actually had the 'meet eyes across a crowded bar and the heavens opened up and angels sang and all that jazz' Im still a sucker for chemistry and love. I think you can happen upon it anywhere and if it's legit, it wont matter when you first kiss or bang. Real love wont judge you for kissing him.

    Just try and make out with me while I am eating a burrito, and see what happens. <3 Burritos

    Seriously though, I get it, from my own personal experience (from the male perspective) our profiles and what they say usually are irrelevant. Then again I haven't used it in a while, so maybe it has changed.

    As long as your pics are current I really wouldn't care. I would much rather find out pieces about you as we interact.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Here's my take on it:

    1. The picture gets them there in the first place. Just like it does when a perfect stranger asks for your number at a bar.

    2. Once they're there, it's up to them whether or not they want read what you have to say. I can determine (based on what they say when the contact me & we talk) whether or not they have read my profile, whether or not they seem to genuinely care, and whether or not they're simply after vagina play. I decide for myself who to give time to. Some people are there for more than a hookup, some aren't. Frankly, I expect people to skim and wink liberally. It's a mall of singles. It's like shoe shopping, until something REALLY catches my eye, I'm not trying them all on. I don't try to "explain" who I am in a profile... but give a taste of who I am. I'm girly and I hate spiders. That alone might be the biggest eye rolling turn off in the world to some dudes. I don't say "My ex-husband had an affair with a married woman which is why I got divorced and hate all men other than Alex Minsky now." :P

    3. I like to read profiles... it's relatively apparent to me if someone has been butthurt and is pissed at women, has been cheated on, is just looking for casual sex, has some crazy political views I won't be able to tolerate, etc. Mind you, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those that choose to use online avenues for casual sex or support the Westboro Baptist Church... but you should be able to tell before meeting someone if that's the case or not.

    I'm rambling.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    same here. I wrote my profile for people who like to read. I chose my pics for people who like to see. I choose my conversations and actions on the first date based on reality and being in the moment. Even if that action is waving byebye.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    PS: I'd really like to have face play, burritos, and a six pack with you Yoovie. Minus the face play part.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Here is my profile for reference:

    I move a lot for work so POF/OKC are easy ways to meet people due to my constant moving as well as crazy work schedule. I have met some really awesome and very attractive men via POF in spite of having some unfortunate cities of residence such as Socorro, NM. Most of my relationships from the site have been rather short term, 3-6 months, but really only due to relocation.

    I would also suggest trying out Provides a group setting for meeting people with similar interests, if you're looking for a more "natural" way to meet people.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    PS: I'd really like to have face play, burritos, and a six pack with you Yoovie. Minus the face play part.

    i would really really like to eat burritos and drink a six pack in my backyard with you this summer.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Here's my take on it:

    1. The picture gets them there in the first place. Just like it does when a perfect stranger asks for your number at a bar.

    2. Once they're there, it's up to them whether or not they want read what you have to say. I can determine (based on what they say when the contact me & we talk) whether or not they have read my profile, whether or not they seem to genuinely care, and whether or not they're simply after vagina play. I decide for myself who to give time to. Some people are there for more than a hookup, some aren't. Frankly, I expect people to skim and wink liberally. It's a mall of singles. It's like shoe shopping, until something REALLY catches my eye, I'm not trying them all on. I don't try to "explain" who I am in a profile... but give a taste of who I am. I'm girly and I hate spiders. That alone might be the biggest eye rolling turn off in the world to some dudes. I don't say "My ex-husband had an affair with a married woman which is why I got divorced and hate all men other than Alex Minsky now." :P

    3. I like to read profiles... it's relatively apparent to me if someone has been butthurt and is pissed at women, has been cheated on, is just looking for casual sex, has some crazy political views I won't be able to tolerate, etc. Mind you, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those that choose to use online avenues for casual sex or support the Westboro Baptist Church... but you should be able to tell before meeting someone if that's the case or not.

    I'm rambling.

    This is pretty much my stance on it as well.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Here's my take on it:

    1. The picture gets them there in the first place. Just like it does when a perfect stranger asks for your number at a bar.

    2. Once they're there, it's up to them whether or not they want read what you have to say. I can determine (based on what they say when the contact me & we talk) whether or not they have read my profile, whether or not they seem to genuinely care, and whether or not they're simply after vagina play. I decide for myself who to give time to. Some people are there for more than a hookup, some aren't. Frankly, I expect people to skim and wink liberally. It's a mall of singles. It's like shoe shopping, until something REALLY catches my eye, I'm not trying them all on. I don't try to "explain" who I am in a profile... but give a taste of who I am. I'm girly and I hate spiders. That alone might be the biggest eye rolling turn off in the world to some dudes. I don't say "My ex-husband had an affair with a married woman which is why I got divorced and hate all men other than Alex Minsky now." :P

    3. I like to read profiles... it's relatively apparent to me if someone has been butthurt and is pissed at women, has been cheated on, is just looking for casual sex, has some crazy political views I won't be able to tolerate, etc. Mind you, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those that choose to use online avenues for casual sex or support the Westboro Baptist Church... but you should be able to tell before meeting someone if that's the case or not.

    I'm rambling.

    This is pretty much my stance on it as well.

    Same here, well said! I love reading profiles, and on OKC I will read the questions section as well. And if its clear a guy didn't read my profile, he isn't getting a response.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    People read online profiles?

    Let us be honest, it really boils down to the pictures you upload.

    You can be someone who isn't attractive and have the most elaborate, descriptive profile on the planet, and have no responses.

    You can also be someone very attractive with a one line sentence "Theres so much to know LOL" and get a million messages.

    I mean, they call PoF the site "make for hook ups" for a reason, right?

    I get it, being honest in an online dating scene is good, but I seriously wouldn't dump much time into a real descriptive profile, besides if you tell them everything about you, what are you going to talk about when you actually meet up?

    I agree that the picture matters most... however after being attracted to the pic, I'll would usually breeze the writing to make sure nothing says "I'm a crazy *kitten*."