
lzlsk Posts: 10 Member
I'm Laura. I had been looking into raw food for a while. I was shocked how FEW raw recipes were low fat cookbooks. 70-90 percent have nuts in them or nut based. Something felt off. I was also surprised how many of nuts are toxic. I was also angry when I saw how many raw "gurus" heavily endorse superfoods that are particularly expensive... Like you can't attain brilliant health without paying heavily for it.

Someone suggested this book, so now I'm reading it. It makes sense. I love the whole bit where human anatomy is compared to carnivores. Even how our eyes see such ranges of color to see ripe fruit easily. Thinking about what in natural form causes our mouths to water definately got mine watering. I remember how when I was at my healthiest, I was eating so much raw fruit.

I'm wondering if anyone has some tips or advice... Things they wish they learned sooner.


  • cschaub01
    cschaub01 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there. After a very long period of weird diet and health advice gone awry- I have finally settled upon 80 10 10 and McDougall to achieve my weight loss goal of 100 pounds. I must admit, I have yet to read 80 10 10 but i have watched a hundred videos featuring Dr. Graham, DurianRider and Freelee. I want to get the book but just have not yet. Does the book advocate lots and lots of fruit?