Newbie, plz help :)

Hi so i have been walking and jogging for about 2 weeks on and off.

Some things I noticed was I was able to go farther than last week, however i have a few conserns Im hoping you guys could help me out with.

1. My throat starts hurting alot after i would start jogging for about 30 secs into, and then I would have to stop and cautch my breath and walk.

2. It doesn't matter if I ate or not, my stomach starts hurting while jogging, to the point where i want to puke after each time jogging.

3. Do you guys have any hints and tips?

Thank you!!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    At a glance, I would suggest a few things:

    - First, you're running too fast. You're out of breath and hurting. Run slower than you walk. You should be working hard and sweaty, but not in danger of collapse.

    - Second, I'd guess that your throat is hurting because you are collapsing your chest while keeping your head up. This is also cutting off your air flow. Try this (disclaimer, I am no expert or coach, this is just what I've worked out for myself from experience): pull up through your body. Engage your abs. Everything should be aligned: ears, shoulders, elbows, hips, ankles in one straight line. Now, keeping everything in alignment, lean from your ankles so your hips are balanced over your toes. You should feel like you're about to fall forward. Keep your abs tight. Now, slowly jog forward about 5 or 6 steps, keeping everything engaged and aligned. See how you're able to breathe easily. This is more-or-less how you want to feel on your runs.

    - Finally, make sure you're breathing from your belly. Lie on your back on the floor. Put your hand on your belly button. Take a breath. Does your stomach move? It should.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I find I get cramps in my side when I have not had enough water. Make sure you are well hydrated all day and not just before you run.

    Also, I struggle to catch my breath sometimes (I have a rescue inhaler, but have not used it since week one...), and I found that I need to really be UPright to get enough air into my lungs to feel like I took a deep breath. It is a hard concept when you are gasping and someone says stand up and breathe in! I always feel like I am standing up right - LOL - but sometimes I actually feel like I have to lean back and extend my chest out to get my lungs fully inflated.

    And, don't be afraid to slow down. Often times, it feels like I am "running" slower than I walk, but it is a whole different animal and your body is still trying to figure it out! You're doing great! Don't give up!