Level 1, Day 2

Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
Okkkkkk, finished day 2 this morning! Thought it would be easier.....HE'LL NO! I do think though that it was due to me pushing a bit harder today, trying to do it right as opposed to yesterday! Jumping jacks got a lil tiny bit better, bicycle sit up thingies royally kicked my *kitten*! Burnt 240 calories according to the HRM! Weird thing is that my scale has been showing me a BMI of 45 - 47% fat for the past 3 weeks however this morning was 38.5 when I got out the shower! :bigsmile:

How was your Level 1, Day 2?


  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention, arms are not so sore today... But my thighs hurt like a MotherFather!!! :laugh:
  • megge6537
    megge6537 Posts: 10
    my sides are sore (below my armpit) from trying to do pushups with my weak arms.
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    my sides are sore (below my armpit) from trying to do pushups with my weak arms.

    Just imagine how much better your bra band will sit there from burning that fat off! :smile:
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    way to go :D no pain yet.... but ask me again tomorrow lol
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    way to go :D no pain yet.... but ask me again tomorrow lol

    my thighs gave in after a nice shower!

    How was the burn in your arms with the raised squats? though i was gonna die!
  • suzmathew
    suzmathew Posts: 61
    not done mine yet, i did do my squats and crunches this morn, going circuit training tonight and then will be doing day 2 this eve when im home from work (i'm gona hurt in the morn!)
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    not done mine yet, i did do my squats and crunches this morn, going circuit training tonight and then will be doing day 2 this eve when im home from work (i'm gona hurt in the morn!)

    Awesome, cant wait for your feedback!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    im getting ready to do day 2 :smile: the inside of my thighs are sore and my butt :laugh: will see how i go today with the ab stuff i had a c section 7 weeks ago so need to keep an eye on the scar doctor said its fine to excersise though ... any one have any thoughts would it still work if i maybe did the abs every second day ?? and just did normal crunches on the others im feeling really motivated so dont want to give up and i have not felt any pain in my scar area so im sure its all good but just looking for some feedback thanks guys :flowerforyou:
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    im getting ready to do day 2 :smile: the inside of my thighs are sore and my butt :laugh: will see how i go today with the ab stuff i had a c section 7 weeks ago so need to keep an eye on the scar doctor said its fine to excersise though ... any one have any thoughts would it still work if i maybe did the abs every second day ?? and just did normal crunches on the others im feeling really motivated so dont want to give up and i have not felt any pain in my scar area so im sure its all good but just looking for some feedback thanks guys :flowerforyou:

    ok, so im no medical professional, but if i were you, i would listen to me body, try it, ease into it slowly, if you feel discomfort, stop. im working with a recovering dislocated tendon in my knee, i cant do everything so i modify, my squats are not as low as most of you, but i try and do half a squat rather than not squatting at all :)
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    Hiya everyone!

    Okay so day 2, not too bad. My body was achey from 2 hours of Taekwondo last night but I made myself get up at 8am (!!!) and do the shred.

    Nice to feel tighter tummy muscles. I'm so glad she talks you through the different crunches, I can actually feel that my stomach has done some work. Much better than the gym where I do only cardio and never know how to do my stomach.

    Feeling positive!

    Anyone else going to take progress pics? I've taken a 'Before' picture and I'm taking the next one when I finish level 1 :)
  • lilalief
    lilalief Posts: 76 Member
    Hiya everyone!

    Okay so day 2, not too bad. My body was achey from 2 hours of Taekwondo last night but I made myself get up at 8am (!!!) and do the shred.

    Nice to feel tighter tummy muscles. I'm so glad she talks you through the different crunches, I can actually feel that my stomach has done some work. Much better than the gym where I do only cardio and never know how to do my stomach.

    Feeling positive!

    Anyone else going to take progress pics? I've taken a 'Before' picture and I'm taking the next one when I finish level 1 :)

    I have taken a before picture - it's my profile picture :) I'll take a picture after finishing the entire programme.
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    Hiya everyone!

    Okay so day 2, not too bad. My body was achey from 2 hours of Taekwondo last night but I made myself get up at 8am (!!!) and do the shred.

    Nice to feel tighter tummy muscles. I'm so glad she talks you through the different crunches, I can actually feel that my stomach has done some work. Much better than the gym where I do only cardio and never know how to do my stomach.

    Feeling positive!

    Anyone else going to take progress pics? I've taken a 'Before' picture and I'm taking the next one when I finish level 1 :)

    I've taken as well, will def do pics for every level! Just scared if theres no diff :noway:
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I ached like hell when I got up this morning, but I was surprised how quickly the aches went away when I started today. I think I did a lot better today because I knew what to expect- better form definitely gave me better stamina.

    The cardio is still the worst for me. I can honestly say I was nearly in tears doing the jump rope thing. Even after a shower, my legs are screaming.
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    I've taken as well, will def do pics for every level! Just scared if theres no diff :noway:

    Me too! Very scared. Got to try not to be too hard on myself. Cutting my calorie intake should help too.
    We can all come together on day 11 and celebrate or commiserate :P That includes you, lilalief!
  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    OK- day 2 down. Plan to do some yoga tonight to help with the soreness- I think part of why JM makes me so sore is I need more post-work stretching. Will let you guys know if it helps.
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    Day 2 done - have to organize what weights I will use. Been using 5 lbs for shoulders and dam are they sore.
    Loving the combination of exercises from her. Love doing the cardio & weights altogether.
    Haven't taken my before measurements so I guess I should do that so I have a comparison when I'm done
    -will keep you posted :)
    Have a great day all - Day #3 tonight!!!!
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I'm fine so far. Im about to do day 2 in an hour or so, I was fine all yesterday, I woke up with aching pecs although not incredibly noticable so I'll be okay. I'm going to the gym after I go 30DS because if I go before I wont do 30DS rofl, I'll be like 'nah I got my calories done for the day'.

    When I go to the gym (someone asked on the first day check in if anyone does anything besides this --yes) I run at least 4 miles (I HATE running on treadmills but it's already 90+ degrees here in FL unless you're up at 5AM when it's dark) and I do a mix of strength training (Usually lifting and planks/crunches etc.)
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member

    "How was the burn in your arms with the raised squats? though i was gonna die!"

    It was not nearly as terrible as yesterday!! but yesterday my arms were so shakey I couldn't use them for an hour. so maybe tomorrow I will actually use a weight, lol.

    Today went much better than yesterday to my surprise. my arms and lower back were sore. but it seems like it went by much faster and a tiny bit easier than it did yesterday.

    I pushed just a teeny bit harder on the bicycle crunches and squats today since my abs and legs were only a little hurty.
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 89 Member
    Ill be doin gday 2 tonight - :D ... My arms are sore, but that could be I used 8lb weights last night hahahahaa
    my HRM says I burned 170cal - I really need to take my measurements this week.

    Hope everyon ehas a great day!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    thats day 2 done and it went ok a little bit harder than yesterday which was a surprise :smile: i then did some pilates stretching to hopefully ease the muscle pain later or thats what im hoping anyway , have a great day everyone :heart: :heart: and yeah i got my husband to take before pics this morning front, side and back !!! i hope to see some changes :smile: