I need help!

MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
okay, I'm freaking a little... I have lost the weight i wanted (although wouldn't hurt to lose a few more) and I really want to tighten up. First of all... I go to the gym 4 days a week. I lift for 30 min and then run for 30 min (3-4 miles). I don't lift heavy because I'm a newbie and I'm not strong yet, but I really want to step it up but don't know how. I made up my own lifting schedule in which I do a body part a day (day 1 arms or upper body, day 2 legs... and so on) but I don't feel confident that I'm doing this whole lifting thing right. I don't feel like I'm pushing hard enough and in turn not getting the results like I should. My stomach is way flatter but its still mushy (although I do see some definition on the sides), my biceps are looking good but my triceps are still flabby (looks like they are getting worse the more i lift!), and the same goes for my thighs they are still so soft. I know I need to be patient, but I'm afraid if I keep doing what I'm doing and its not good enough and I don't get results I will back out and not get the body I want. I really need support and tips... I need to know what to do or at least an idea. I'm so lost! :frown:


  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    What are you waiting for girlfriend? Pick up those heavy weights!! You're a brave woman already, you're in the airforce! Start with the 45lb bar and work your way up from there. Go online and readup on Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 to get the basics down. Do some squats, press and deadlifts and you'll be on your way! I'm 47 and just started lifting about a month ago and it's amazing how fast things start to improve. If I can do it ANYONE can do it. Go for it, just read up so you know the basics and get good form and don't hurt yourself. I work out at home but would love gym access so you're nuts if you don't take advantage of it if it's in your gym. Good luck!
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Start with BodyBuilding.com they have a great section where you can see different workouts/lifts for each area of your body and they have free programs for you to follow.

    edited to add this link...

  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I recommend New Rules in Lifting for Women. It has 5 exercises every workout (A and B workouts) that rely on the push/pull method. I am on my 3rd workout and really feeling a difference. The book explains a lot.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Beginner lifters should really check out the "New Rules of Lifting" series, by Lou Schuler. Some of the programs I've followed:

    1. New Rules of Lifting for Women
    2. New Rules of Lifting for Abs
    3. New Rules of Lifting for Life
    4. New Rules of Lifting - Supercharged
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks all for the advice..I plan on getting that book when I get back to the states...and I'm going to keep going... I can't give up! I see too many people on here who have accoplished sooo much and I want to be like that too!
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    What are you waiting for girlfriend? Pick up those heavy weights!! You're a brave woman already, you're in the airforce! Start with the 45lb bar and work your way up from there. Go online and readup on Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 to get the basics down. Do some squats, press and deadlifts and you'll be on your way! I'm 47 and just started lifting about a month ago and it's amazing how fast things start to improve. If I can do it ANYONE can do it. Go for it, just read up so you know the basics and get good form and don't hurt yourself. I work out at home but would love gym access so you're nuts if you don't take advantage of it if it's in your gym. Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice.. You ROCK!.I do have a gym on base that I go to and its awesome but I also want to get a weight bench for my home as well..I think it would be good for me as a beginner (plus my hubby would love it too :smile: ), until I get more experienced with lifting... I wont give up! If I can be a women in todays military while being a mom, student and volunteer then I can have the body I want and deserve! hugs!
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    squats, deadlifts, clean and press, full body motions are the best for overall lifting. You don't have to focus on one body part a day.

    Triceps: reverse pushups. Best thing evhar.

    Biceps: pushups, pullups, clean and press

    Abs: Leg lifts, crunches, Situps.

    Really you can get in pretty good shape with just body weight. Lift heavier as you can go.