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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello. Popped in to record steps but had to pop-in here too. LMV, your rain sounds very disruptive. I am assuming that it is not the norm for Wales to get so much rain In February. Good for you and your husband for braving the elements. The walking, especially that hill should set you up nicely for today. Your quiz night sounds as if it would be great fun. I am not aware of quiz nights in Canada although there may be some in larger places like Toronto. I was aware of the them however from watching Coronation Street where the pub seems to hold them sometimes. Board games have become very popular again here and I know some bars have board games nights. I agree that having a cleaner would be great. A number of my friends who are retired continue to have a cleaner; after all, the best thing you can buy yourself is time. My luxury is my horse so unless I win a lottery (which would first necessitate buying lottery tickets!), the iRobot will suffice. I am definitely going to see what Nellie thinks of it. My weigh day is Monday.
    Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers
    Our alternative to the hunt ball went very well and a good night was had by all. I drank quite a lot of red wine and had a lovely ice cream Sunday for pud. The pub recently reopened having been shut for quite a while so it was a bit of an experiment. I'd go back again quite happily. Both my married friends brought their teenage daughters so it was a lively evening. 9 of us in all. I managed to wear a pair of shoes too. I was tired on Sunday but managed to get to church in the morning. The weather closed in after that and we had the rain from storm Imogen so a wild night. The wind is still blowing now and seems to be getting up again. There was a police officer wandering about this morning past the front of the house. Most peculiar.

    There were apparently 7 'usual' tables missing from the hunt ball inc us so we can hope they will rethink for next year...

    Mum and dad are planning to go home over night at the weekend. It will be good to see how I get on on my own. The cats will miss dad particularly they are absolutely inseparable.

    Well that's all for now. Hope you aren't flooded out LMV!

    PB xxx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Glad you had a good week-end PB and that you are finding your feet again. I hope there was nothing sinister in that police officer wandering around outside your house. We have power and no flooding, but South Wales has taken a battering - trees and power lines down so not everyone is as lucky as us. Winds have been up to 80-90 miles per hour today. It's quite frightening and I drove slowly when I had to go out today as I could feel the wind taking the car. The M4 was closed for five hours because of an overturned lorry. Storm Imogen had a lot to answer for.

    Bracken, I'm glad some of your other retired friends also have cleaners, I don't feel quite so bad now. I shall hold that thought about buying myself time. How did your weigh in go?

    BM - you've been rather quiet. I hope everything is all right with you and that you are well.

    MITM - once again, congratulations on this week's weight loss.

    Right, off to bed for me.

    Nos da
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    It is evening and the weather has started to turn as predicted. A wet, light snow has covered the lawns again. But this morning was beautiful and mild and Nellie and I did a nice walk which helped get my Fitbit total over 8000 steps today. I was really pleased too to find that I dropped 2 pounds this week after the STS the previous week. I would say my eating was virtually the same both weeks. There seems to be no reason at times for how weight is lost. If I could I would be happy to have a pound a week rather than nothing one week and then 2 pounds off. I'm telling myself that the lesson here is patience and persistence.
    Glad also to hear of your successful weekend, PB. Perhaps realizing how many of the usual crowd were absent will lead to some changes next year for your hunt celebration.
    LMV, your storm sounds very frightening. Hope it passes soon. Weather everywhere seems to run to the extremes any more.
    Off to watch Borgen now. Regards.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited February 2016
    Woo hoo Bracken. Well done you. Patience is definitely the key word, not something I'm good at!

    Storm Imogen seems to have passed by us now and is probably heading East towards Austria MITM. All that rain will turn to snow once it gets to you so get your shovel at the ready.

    Anyone having pancakes today? I'm toying with doing some low fat American style blueberry pancakes but I'll see how I feel later on after I've eaten the hearty bean casserole I have on the go in the slow cooker. What about Lent? Anyone giving up/taking up anything? Again, I haven't decided yet.

    Well done again Bracken and have a good day everyone

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Is one of my friend's father's birthday today and he is 89 so I made him a birthday cake. He loves chocolate so I did a chocolate malteaser cake and took it round to him. I thought I had called round at a good time, just after lunch, and that he would wait until teatime to cut it so I wouldn't have to have a piece. Not a bit of it, he wanted to have a piece with me so I didn't want to disappoint him and had a slice with a cup of tea.

    I have just calculated the calories - a cool 6,426 for the whole cake and 401.5 calories for the 1/16 I had. Think I'm going to be over my calories today and it's weigh day tomorrow. Boo hoo

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    LMV don't worry too much. It won't hit your hips till the day after.!

    First day back to work today. Feeling tired but satisfied although only worked 10.30 -3.30. Had a foot massage and reiki session on the way home.

    Good work Bracken too. Good to see a definite difference.

    Take care Crackers

    PB xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. LMV, storm Imogen hit the front pages of our Globe and Mail with a picture of a massive wave crashing over the seawall the seawall at Porthcawl, Wales. Glad to hear it is now moving on. I had overlooked that it was pancake day today but I have not eaten them for a long time as they usually bother my digestion enough to make it not worthwhile . Blueberry pancakes definitely sound good. I did have a teaspoon of maple syrup on yoghurt today so that will have to be it. My Mother always gave up chocolate for Lent which I greatly admired her for as she was extremely fond of it and was always steadfast about her resolution, not even eating Valentine's day chocolate until later. For the present, I have already given up chocolate since Jan.1 so could I count that as my Lent! I do think the discipline (that important word) of Lent is good for anyone. I'm going to think about taking up something as you put it- perhaps an item per day to put into a bag for the local food bank. Your cake sound very yummy and really, what could you do- disappoint a 95 year old man? The extra cals may slow the day down but should not undermine your complete week. Remember, you have lost a lot quite quickly so not losing this week might be not unlikely. And you may even be surprised with a loss. PB, glad you were satisfied with your first day returning to work. Hope you have a good rest tonight.
    The weather has definitely turned here-cold and raw today with light snow. I've planned to go out tonight so keep looking to the window to see if it is getting worse.
    Keep well all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Chocolate is a good idea Bracken. I haven't eaten much since Jan 6 either but have not formally given it up, so chocolate it is. Of course you can count it for Lent as well. Sage words about my weight loss and I will try not to be too disappointed and fed up if I don't have a loss. I remind myself that if I am going to eat ice-cream and chocolate cake in the same week I simply don't deserve a loss.

    Porthcawl is only 10 miles up the road from me and the waves were enormous. Even in the tidal estuary which we look out over there were some quite big waves which is unusual. We had some sunshine this morning, but it is back to wind and rain now and we even have snow forecast as it has turned much colder.

    PB - great that you managed to go back to work but you will of course be tired. I expect the massage and reiki perked you up. How lovely. Dreading what my hips will look like on Thursday lol!

    So, has anyone seen any nice dresses anywhere? It's my birthday in a month and I am intending to treat myself to a new dress, in a smaller size naturally, and would appreciate any suggestions of good places to look. I fancy a gorgeous cocktail dress as a group of us will be going out to a restaurant for a meal on the evening of my birthday.

    Hope you have a good evening out Bracken.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    ps no pancakes for me after the chocolate cake debacle xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers!

    Well obviously LMV resisting the pancakes was a good idea with your fantastic loss this week and well done on your excellent loss too Bracken, all this exercise you are both doing is paying off. I lost 0.8lbs again and I'm resigned this is as good as it gets now from here until target.

    I made a malteaser chocolate cake for my birthday last year and it was delicious says the chocoholic - I can almost taste it as I tap... I've given up chocolate for Lent and here I am on day 1 having withdrawal symptoms already!

    LMV - I cannot be of much help with cocktail dresses, my own legs haven't been seen since I wore 'that' pencil skirt! BM - where are you this is your forte?! I hope that you are ok and your bloods are not playing up further as you're checking in but not posting. LMV - have you checked out Hobbs? Or for that matter John Lewis? Do keep us informed.

    PB - great to hear that you are back at your desk. Are you doing 4 days or less and how are you getting into work?

    Bracken - is 60 days checking in a record for you? I'm loving the air of discipline! The teacher in you is at work again.

    Today is had snowed overnight and was grey and miserable upon waking up. I confess to having a mini depression (which I'm sure is down to the weather) but after reading the posts I was chuckling away and just knowing that the weather is dreadful everywhere and that it's not stopping you exercising, I made myself go walking with my friend and hearing her woes made me think I've got nothing to moan about except the weather and just being outside lifted my spirits. Then I returned and had a session with Rosemary which of course always leaves me on a high. The good news I was not tempted to eat! However tomorrow is another day....

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    So completely and utterly thrilled with another 2lbs off this week after the ice-cream and chocolate cake. I used to give myself the day off on weigh day, but spurred on by success I worked even harder than usual today with a couple of workouts and a long walk which I've detailed on the exercise thread.

    MITM, I think .8lbs is fantastic given you are already so light compared to the rest of us. Body weight % wise, you have probably lost more than us which is fantastic. We have 6 weeks to Easter and at the rate of .8lb you will have lost 4.8lbs and I think you only wanted to lose another 2lbs to be happy in your jeggings.

    BM - I need help with a cocktail dress, please come back as soon as you feel up to it. I really hope you are OK. I will check out Hobbs MITM, that's a good suggestion. I also found a site called something like Diva Dresses. It has loads of dresses like newsreaders and weather girls wear, but some of them are more dressy than worklike. They are quite figure hugging and a lot of them are in beautiful plain colours, the sort of dress you see Nigella wearing. I might see if I can find a stockist in my area to actually see one although you can order online of course so I could just send for one. I think I would need suitable base garments to iron out my lumps and bumps for that type of dress though!

    Glad you ended the day feeling better than when you started MITM. Hope you've both had good days Bracken and PB.

    Be good Crackers

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited February 2016

    What do you think of this? (Sorry, it's a bit small and I couldn't work out how to resize it) website is divacatwalk
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Or this from Hobbs

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers. Lovely to read your posts and hear about your weight losses!
    I'm afraid I can't get enthused about clothes at the moment as I need to manage to lose some real weight first however I popped on the scale this morning and found that I appear to have lost 3.8lbs this week. I suspect this is just water although I haven't tried so perhaps its merely the increased activity?

    Work is going ok thanks. I'm doing 3 short days this week and next and then reviewing the situation. Boss being very supportive and lots to do. Poor Dad is being chauffeur!

    This morning we have frost which is a shame as we are awash with daffodils and snowdrops.

    Walking better today too. Still needing to take painkillers but only one lot per day and ankle not so swollen in the morning so progress in all directions. Getting behind the wheel later today too.

    All the talk of lent and chocolate and malteasers is fascinating to a chocoholic like me!!! Malteasers are such yummy sweets. I shall try to think of a goal for Easter - maybe 8lbs? Exercise wise I'd like to reach 5000 steps a day by Easter too!

    My final goal is to be more interested in others than in my own situation.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Good afternoon Crackers!

    It's an absolutely stunning day here - my profile picture does not do it justice as there is not a cloud in the sky. Needless to say I'm full of bounce no doom and gloom... The chimney sweep has just been which reminded me of last year when I had to wait in for him with no heating on and I was almost in tears with frustration and cold when he forgot me! Today I could be sunbathing on the balcony!

    LMV - I like both outfits. The green dress reminds me of something similar I believe BM purchased and I looked on the website for divacatwalk and there is such a lot of choice. If you keep that dance class up you won't need to purchase any 'suck it in' garments! Oh how I laughed!

    PB - in your present situation I too would be thinking of me, me, me!

    Well only a quick pop in as I must dash I'm off out walking with my friend.

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Well done on the weight loss PB. You are barely more than you were before your accident which is amazing. I'm pleased to hear that you have a supportive boss, it makes such a difference doesn't it? It sounds like you are making great progress so I hope you get on OK in the car. Your goals sound sensible so go for it!

    MITM - your picture is beautiful so a day with clear blue skies and the mountains for a backdrop must lift your heart. I don't think I will be keeping up the "dance" class, I need to find a real dance class! I'm laughing now I'm safely at home but I was just a tiny bit scared I'd stumbled upon some strange cult.....

    I've been out this evening to WI (Women Impossible) and we had a talk from a friend of mine on his time training as a horticulturist in Kew Gardens. Lovely pictures and very interesting. It got me thinking about the garden and I'm really interested in finding out more about your "moon" planting of veg MITM. When do you start getting things in the ground and do you know what the rules are.

    Right, early night for me after a poor night's sleep last night.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    MITM, I well remember the chimney sweep episode of last year. Being without heat is truly horrible. Hope you had a lovely walk under sunny skies. The sun really does have such an effect on how one feels for me too.
    PB, don't disparage your excellent weight loss. Of course, some of it is likely water but it is water that you do not need for the amount of fat in your body now. You've set yourself some fine and doable goals- very positive. I think it is Beck who says that with seriously dieting first we have to be very concerned about ourselves so that ultimately what we do is so routine that we don't have to always be thinking of it, leaving us to think of other things and others.
    LMV, I enjoyed looking at the Hobbs site and believe your dress is called the 'Mariana' ; the shade of green is very lovely, one of your colours you've commented on, I think. With the terrific progress you are making, it is a realistic choice. The style is very chic but it (and all the dresses I looked at ) is very unforgiving. They all seem so sleek and form fitting. What has happened to a bit of runching or soft draping? I guess that must be so-last-year! None of them seemed to have that.
    Here there was even more snow today than yesterday and colder too. I had to cancel an appointment with my Doctor as I could not get the driveway shovelled out in time to make the appointment. This was after it had been cancelled on Monday when I was called because my Doctor was ill herself. I feel as if I accomplished little today between snow shovelling and taking Nellie in and out four times. Each time I had to put on boots, hat, gloves, and coat just to go the 30 steps to the yard gate as there is no direct exit from the rear of my house. The birds are very hungry this weather too and are going through a lot of seed quickly so I had to clear snow from their feeders before refilling. I was interested to see two days ago, however, a squirrel showing signs of nest making despite the wintry weather. I saw him/her in a tree in my back yard, about 15 feet above ground where there is a bit of a hollow between two older limbs. The tree, a maple, has ivy climbing up it to about 10 feet high. The ivy has no leaves in winter and the squirrel was chewing off pieces of vine and hauling them up to the hollow for a nest. My efforts were quite limited to my bike but I did do 20 minutes today. I was planning to do make a stab at a bit of Jillian but I was literally getting the DVD when my sister in Arizona called for a long chat so it was intentions good, execution rotten.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Lovemyveg wrote: »

    What do you think of this? (Sorry, it's a bit small and I couldn't work out how to resize it) website is divacatwalk

    Did you know LMV - that Debbie Harper who styles Good Morning Britain's presenters has a twitter account DebbieHarper@debbiedresses listing where she gets each outfit from and I see that Susanna Reid wears from divacatwalk - I was rather taken with the sexy little mauve number!

    Got very side tracked I'm suppose to be getting ready to go walking!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good evening Crackers, I am so sorry for my recent absence. Unfortunately I have been laid up for a while. Not to go into too much detail but it has been my 3rd month without my daily bucketful of medication and as a result my 3rd period. It has completely floored me, I was in bed for a few days and just useless and washed out for the remaining days. Thank goodness it is over now and I feel so much more with it! The thought of this happening every month is upsetting but hopefully it will eventually get better.

    I am in awe of the brilliant weight losses you have all had. Bracken 2lb in your weather and having your digestive troubles is so inspiring. PB, absolutely well done, I am sure I would have put a stone on in your circumstances! MITM, 0.8lb to you would be like losing 10b to me so I think that is an amazing achievement. LMV, brilliant weight loss, but if you don't lose a few pound this week after your drug fuelled rave there is no justice in this world! Your story had me in stitches. Especially knowing how reserved and quiet a place the Gower is!

    We completely missed Chinese New year as I was in bed the whole time, thankfully OH had a few days off work so I didn't have to get up to walk Harry. We are in again this weekend as I don't feel quite up to it yet but at least it makes it easier not to drink alcohol! I am pleased with my loss this week as I have done virtually no walking. I have now reached 12.7lbs so I am quite excited to be so near to a stone!

    Wishing you all a good weekend, BM xx