Amended low carb nutrition and carb loading for the weekend

PcShed Posts: 84 Member
Hi everyone, just to update you on some changes to my nutrition for this week. As my weigh changed I have amended my diet so here goes:

BMR: 2282 calories
BMR + Activity: 3538 calories
Target BMR with diet: 2830 calories

This meal for the day my macros are as followed:

Fat: 220g
Protein: 177g
Carbs: 35g
Total calories: 2830
Because I am fasting 20 hours and my eating window is 4 hours I decided to split my macros into 2 meals at 5.00pm and 8.30pm:
Fat: 110g
Protein: 88g
Carbs: 18g
Total calories per meal: 1415

I also increased my sodium intake at every meal (day1 to 5) and increase my intake of water by 50% (10Litres per day)
I will be eating this level Mon to Fri (day1 to 5) and then switching to Carb Loading for Sat and Sun (day 6 and 7) and the total macros for the day will be:

Fat: 99g
Protein: 211g
Carbs: 834
Toal calories: 3335

I will reduce sodium intake on Sat and Sun and drop my water intake by 50% (5 Litre per day)
I will be eating through the day at regular 3 hour intervals and these 2 days will be rest days (I been training 5 days straight - as before you ask I not overtraining, as I recover quick and work upper, middle lower body at different days)
The main aim is to further increase body fat through weekdays and cycle carbs at weekend ready for Monday heavy weight compound training.
Let me know your thoughts, advice or your experiences with IF and Carb loading.
Until next time