Body By You Cycle 1 - completed

SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
Hi all,

I started cycle 2 today and so wanted to post my progress from cycle 1. Yay! I'm counting completing my first cycle as an NSV! I'm 40 and female and have never attempted any kind of strength training before. I felt like I spent the entire first cycle working on my joints and other stabilizing muscles rather than increasing strength in major muscle groups. I started pretty low on the exercises:

Started at 3 - Let Me Ins
Today - 9 - Let Me Ups

Thank you Melyssa and Epic for your suggestions on how to make the Let Me Ins more doable practically! Ultimately I decided I hated them too much and skipped to the Let Me Ups with knees bent at 90 degrees today, using my resistance bands attached to the top of a door to pull up on, and that worked out pretty well. I surprised myself by doing them all. I intend to install a pull-up bar once I get that far.

Started at 3 - Therapy Squats
Today - 7 - Side Lunges

Knees! I've been working on squats since January going as low as I could to the point where my knees bothered me and finally got to being able to do a parallel squat about the time I started this program in April. My right knee hardly bothers me now but I complained to my doctor about my left knee, and she said that my meniscus is just wearing out and there's not much to be done other than to strengthen the leg muscles in order to minimize strain on the knee. Doing side lunges is the first I've felt I was really working my glutes. I worry about whether my form is good, as I feel like I'm leaning forward too much.

Perpendicular Pushing
Started at 7 - Close-grip Push-ups with hands elevated hip eight and 2-second pauses
Today - 8 - Push-ups with hands elevated knee height

In-Line Pushing
Started at 5 - Military Presses with hands elevated knee height and 1-second pauses
Now - 8 - Half dive-bombers with hands elevated knee height and 1-second pauses

I had some wrist and shoulder joint issues initially but it cleared up within the first two weeks. I'm always sore the day after on these.

Started at 7 - Hip Extensions
Today - One-legged Hip Raisers

I am moderately successful with warrior 3 from yoga, so I'm sure I could do the last exercise given for this category, but I struggle with my balance so I'm taking my time working up to it.

Happy Training!


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,472 Member
    Congratulations! It's really interesting to see your progress as I have some of the same issues. Squats really hurt my knees, and I've given up on trying the one-legged ones and gone back to weighted squats. Bending seems much easier than the rest, so I'd been on the highest number exercise, but balance would sometimes be a problem! And I hated the let-me-ins too - it was such a relief to do let-me-ups instead! I've found it difficult to progress on those though.

    I've taken a break from the programme for now as I have a temporary gym membership, but I'm still doing some of the exercises and hoping to pick it up again later. Best of luck with the rest of the programme - I'll be looking forward to seeing how you get on!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Congratulations!! I just started Cycle 1 today and am looking forward to seeing good results.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    And I started low too, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5. Nowhere to go but up, right? :)