Wanting fellow WLS buddies :)

I'm 50 yrs old and had my sleeve done 05.08.13. I had a starting weight in February 2013 of 324 and am now 274. This has been quite the journey since I decided to get sleeved, but am thankful and blessed to be able to do it. I have diabetes and hypothyroidism. My diabetes was pretty bad before surgery, now I have mostly normal blood sugars. Can't tell you what a relief that is. No more insulin. Woohoo.

I'm looking for sleeve and/or WLS buddies to support and get support. I have looked for meetings of support to go to in my area, but haven't been able to find yet.

God bless us all


  • gwen6971
    gwen6971 Posts: 49
    Welcome. Sent you a friend request.
  • honeymunki
    honeymunki Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved Jan 14th, my name is Liz.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    I love my sleeve. I'll tell you from my experience you only have to worry about following the rules of eating this first year. Ask tons of questions like why is protein important. Start exercise like walking as soon as you feel able. I was embarrassed at first so the gym wasn't what I did until later. Once the weight started to come off, which it will no matter if you follow orders or not, I started to try other forms of exercise. Finding something you like and will do the rest of your life is a big key to keeping if off, but it's a progression.

    You're going to do great. If you have any questions or concerns, I can tell you what I've seen or experienced, but you maybe a little different. This is a journey to find out what your body wants. It's a fun journey, we learn alot about ourselves, but this is a life change not the typical diet of "when I get to this size/weight, I'm done." Good luck, we're here for you.
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    Congrats on your sleeve, and welcome. I had my sleeve 6 months ago, on Nov. 19,2012 and I am down 75 lbs. Good luck to you. I will add you as a friend.
  • klj748
    klj748 Posts: 10 Member
    Sent you a request as well. Cheers!
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    congratulations on your sleeve...feel free to add me too!
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Revision from band to sleeve 5/21/2012.....An amazing journey to say the least.
  • hmodispaw
    hmodispaw Posts: 2 Member

    I'm a band to vsg revision too. Banded 9/2006 and sleeved 5/2009.
  • goldianmom
    goldianmom Posts: 8
    Hi Cindy,
    Congrats on your awesome wt loss thus far! I am 57 yo and had my sleeve done on 5/14. My consult wt on 3/13 was 246.
    Today I weighed in at 209. This all seems so surreal!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Welcome to the group! I'm 56 and started my journey at 386 on July 21, 2011. Please send a friend request if you want. This is a lifetime change, a wonderful one, and if you make those lifetime changes you will do great!!
  • Peazwithin
    Peazwithin Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all! I an 50 and was sleeved 10/2/12. I started at 299 and lost 10lbs and joined MFP. I lost another ten and had the surgery! I can always have one more friend/friends(!) on this fantastic journey! Feel free to add me and I will try to respond everyday! I say try because, with this new life that we have embraced, I find that I am away from my computer more and out walking a lot more! As Pam said, it i a lifestyle change and ongoing discovery as to who you are now. So many have made my journey easier by walking the path before me and sharing their wls experiences. I can only hope to pay it forward! Congrats on your success! Remember walk, walk, walk, chew, chew, chew and sip, sip, sip! Rest. Repeat!!
  • karenpalmtree
    karenpalmtree Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I just had my surgery 5/23/13!
    Sore right now, but ready to attack this new lifestyle. Please add me as a friend!
  • goldianmom
    goldianmom Posts: 8
    Hi Cindy,
    Please send me a friend request. I'm looking for some friends too! I am 57 and had my sleeve done on 5/13.
  • johnlatte
    johnlatte Posts: 50 Member
    Can't have enough friends on MFP. Hit me up! sleeved 11/20/12!
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to the club!!! Congratulations! I have lost 133 since working with the NUT in Aug 2011 and VSG in March 2012. I still have far to go, but am totally on board! (Hip operation in Nov 2012, so I couldn't exercise much before that.)
  • HI!!! I was sleeved 4-26-13 and I'd love to be your friend as I'm looking for fellow sleevers myself :-)
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    Hi there, Sleeved in October last year and looking for fellow sleevers
  • 2bawallaby
    2bawallaby Posts: 17
    Hi I was sleeved 17 April 2013. Am 45 yrs, 3 kids and weighed 165kg in 1 April. Now about 145kg. Remember to measure yourself. I didn't and really regret it. When the scales don't move, the centimetres do which keeps you inspired. Have sent a friend request. Happy to friend anyone else too. I love the support everyone gives. Whilst my family and friends know, they honestly do not understand, so havibg support here is priceless. :drinker:
  • theBabycakes
    theBabycakes Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I had my wls done 5/21/13, also looking for some friends who are going through similar things.
  • I was sleeved on April 8th, 2013. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm always looking for new friends. =)