Wanting fellow WLS buddies :)



  • Nibella
    Nibella Posts: 2
    I had my surgery on May 7, 2013. So far, it's been quite the experience, but I would certainly do it again. I'm looking for buddies as well.
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I was sleeves 12-21-10 (wow, when i first wrote that I thought that can't be right, and I looked it up, and it has been that long!) and have never regretted it. Still working on getting to my goal weight, but ever so pleased with where I am now.

    You'd think 2.5 years after surgery I wouldn't forget some important things. Like Wednesday morning I juiced (just started doing that, love the energy and happy to get so many veggies in so easily) but forgot I can't drink things quickly. It wasn't long at all before my body reminded me that I need to sip anything over 15-20 minutes, even though it's just one glass. Somehow with whole food I'm much better at listening to my stomach's signals and respecting it's small size, but occasionally with liquids I forget. But I think this is the first time since surgery that I actually got sick. So lesson learned :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend, mutual encouragement is so helpful in this process. I'm 17 pounds from my goal weight, and I know the only way to get there is to have this accountability.
  • ToyWill14
    ToyWill14 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I just had my sleeve done on 5/6/13 and I need friends on this journey! I am doing great and it's the best decision I have ever made. I just find that most of my non-overweight friends and family do not understand my decision at all. I also find there are days when my head does not understand the change to my stomach...lol. I sent friend requests to some of you and then decided it would be best to just post and ask for friends instead. :smile:
  • teresa7926
    teresa7926 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi I just had my sleeve done on 5/6/13 and I need friends on this journey! I am doing great and it's the best decision I have ever made. I just find that most of my non-overweight friends and family do not understand my decision at all. I also find there are days when my head does not understand the change to my stomach...lol. I sent friend requests to some of you and then decided it would be best to just post and ask for friends instead. :smile:

    sending you a friend request
  • CWrens
    CWrens Posts: 2 Member
    I was sleeved on 4/16. Haven't been overly active on here yet as I use it for food log but I saw there is quite a community behind it. My user name is CWrens.
  • novagramma
    novagramma Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved on 5/21. I haven't been too active on this site, but it would be nice to have sleeve buddies. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't do well tracking, but I know I need to get into the habit so that I can be successful in the long term, it helps to be accountable.
  • ggrn955
    ggrn955 Posts: 12 Member
    I'd love to be your buddy. Had my surgery in February 2013 and my only regret is I didn't do it sooner. My all time high was 268, February 2012, Was 235 day of surgery and now am 185. I am very fortunate that my weight loss program includes nutrition classes, and a support group that meets weekly. It has been wonderful. Some in the group are pre-op, some out several years, some lap band, some by-pass, some sleeve. All realize the surgery is only a tool, and food issues will plague us all our lives, just need to learn to live within our boundaries. We have a psychologist who runs the group, have A dietician who comes to group twice a month and an exercise physiologist who comes twice a month, for about 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each group.
    Where did you have your surgery?
    Great news you are off insulin! Excellent!
    How are you doing with exercise? Walking yet? Can't tell you how vital that is. I have a fitbit, which I love. Find myself checking it several times a day to see how I am doing. It really motivates me to keep moving
    Where are you on your food plan? Still on puree?
  • Cagsfa
    Cagsfa Posts: 10 Member
    Hiii We were sleved on the same day! Love it!
  • CRBalck
    CRBalck Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, it is inspiring to read all your weight loss sucess stories. I was sleeved on 5/23/13 and have lost a total of 46 pounds so far. I live in the boonies in No Ca, so there aren't a lot of support group opportunities in my area.

    I'm looking for friends that are also on this journey to offer mutual encouragement and some "butt kicking" when needed.

    I seem to be healing and losing a bit slower than other, but the trend is headed in the correct direction and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to reach a healthy body weight. I started my journey at 318 lbs in January of 2013, today I weighed 271. Sometimes it is hard to fully appreciate an almost 50 pound weight loss, it doesn't seem real.

    I am still struggling with my food addiction, craving sweets and salty foods, but keeping them much more limited that I was able to pre surgery. Some food (fast food, bread, crackers etc) are fully removed from my diet and I realize that those are big changes for the better. I feel guility about still having the occasional cookie or candy, but in tiny quanities vs what I would have eaten pre surgery. Does anyone else struggle with the "bad foods"? Have you removed them all from your diet or do you partake in moderation?

    Looking forward to hearing about other sleever's and their journey.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone, it is inspiring to read all your weight loss sucess stories. I was sleeved on 5/23/13 and have lost a total of 46 pounds so far. I live in the boonies in No Ca, so there aren't a lot of support group opportunities in my area.

    I'm looking for friends that are also on this journey to offer mutual encouragement and some "butt kicking" when needed.

    I seem to be healing and losing a bit slower than other, but the trend is headed in the correct direction and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to reach a healthy body weight. I started my journey at 318 lbs in January of 2013, today I weighed 271. Sometimes it is hard to fully appreciate an almost 50 pound weight loss, it doesn't seem real.

    I am still struggling with my food addiction, craving sweets and salty foods, but keeping them much more limited that I was able to pre surgery. Some food (fast food, bread, crackers etc) are fully removed from my diet and I realize that those are big changes for the better. I feel guility about still having the occasional cookie or candy, but in tiny quanities vs what I would have eaten pre surgery. Does anyone else struggle with the "bad foods"? Have you removed them all from your diet or do you partake in moderation?

    Looking forward to hearing about other sleever's and their journey.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Believe me you are not alone. I struggle everyday with some of my old habits. I am just over a year out and this is how I am feeling about temptation and making exceptions.
    I wish I had never even once let myself eat more or faster or unwise choices after surgery. I know we are human and can't be perfect, but letting any of these things into my life was a mistake I regret. Slowly it seems that I am turning back into the foodie that I was before and no matter how much I try working on the addiction aspect, I can not get back on track.
    I am seeing a therapist for my food addiction since April and am making some headway, but I can not help but hold myself responsible for not following the plan. Going into the pre-op requirements, I knew what it was going to take to make this work for the rest of my life but yet...
    I wish you the best and suggest you really try to follow your DR and Nut. advice as much as you are able. You will be so much happier.
    Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    Believe me you are not alone. I struggle everyday with some of my old habits. I am just over a year out and this is how I am feeling about temptation and making exceptions.
    I wish I had never even once let myself eat more or faster or unwise choices after surgery. I know we are human and can't be perfect, but letting any of these things into my life was a mistake I regret. Slowly it seems that I am turning back into the foodie that I was before and no matter how much I try working on the addiction aspect, I can not get back on track.
    I am seeing a therapist for my food addiction since April and am making some headway, but I can not help but hold myself responsible for not following the plan. Going into the pre-op requirements, I knew what it was going to take to make this work for the rest of my life but yet...
    I wish you the best and suggest you really try to follow your DR and Nut. advice as much as you are able. You will be so much happier.
    Add me as a friend if you would like.
    This struck a chord with me as well. I am 8 months out, and also struggle with my past demons (eating habits). Like you, I wish I had never tested the limits. But then I think, if it weren't that, would it be something else that derailed me? I continue to fight the fight and move forward, but I would be lying if I didn't say that it is a formidable challenge, and the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I get discouraged, but I keep working at it. I am seriously thinking about some short-term therapy to help. Don't give up!
  • anninva
    anninva Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! Add me as well! I was sleeved 1/10/11 which is CRAZY!! Maintenance is HARD so take advantage of that first year or so! The need for vigilance is coming!

    I'm like Paula and Karen in that I didn't take advantage of the beginning of the journey to change my food choices enough. Maybe not full-fledged addiction (or denial?) but I crave and eat carbs, sugar, CRAP! May be able to join an eating issues therapy group in the fall. I guess what I try to remember is that we're really all ere bc we've had ****ed up relationships with food. I think therapy of some kind is vital.

    Here for support! ????