Purple & Black Loft!

adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
I hope you enjoy getting to know your new teammates! Good luck everyone!


  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Kelseyka, are you still willing to act as captain of this team?

    Is there anyone willing to share responsibilities with her in case of sickness, change in schedule, etc.?
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm not very computer literate, but I'm in daily. If there is something someone can teach me easily to help, I can follow written directions well. I have a lot of time on my hands since I'm an empty-nester. I have five more days before I can do much in the way of workouts, doctor's orders.
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Ya I can do it! :)
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks, Kelsey!

    Also, here is the link to the new tab in the spreadsheet that lists everyone in the teams in case anyone needs it :)

  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Guy's

    New week new start! I'm going to have to try really hard this week, I have a new digital weighing scale and it says I'm heavier than my old one says :-(

    Hope you all have a good week
    Jen x
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Hi Guy's

    New week new start! I'm going to have to try really hard this week, I have a new digital weighing scale and it says I'm heavier than my old one says :-(

    Hope you all have a good week
    Jen x
    Thats the worst :( I was expecting a big loss and saw a gain this week :( I guess we just deal and move on!!
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Heres this week challenge!! We should do well with a new and improved team :)

    In Summary:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage
    3. 10 minutes of arms, legs, abs, or booty workout, 1 day for each body area focus = 1 lbs advantage
    4. 5/7 days with at least 5 colors of food = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Recipe = 1 lbs for everyone who posts, extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    This past week I was able to workout until Friday. Friday I had an angiogram and can't do much work out until I go back to the doctor on Thursday this week. I actually lost a pound this past week. :smile: Happy, happy. Now if I can just maintain it until I can start my regular working out again, I'll be ecstatic. Right now all I can do it walk, ride the stationary bike, or squats.
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    This past week I was able to workout until Friday. Friday I had an angiogram and can't do much work out until I go back to the doctor on Thursday this week. I actually lost a pound this past week. :smile: Happy, happy. Now if I can just maintain it until I can start my regular working out again, I'll be ecstatic. Right now all I can do it walk, ride the stationary bike, or squats.

    Well done on your loss!

    Any exercise is good, hope everything goes ok for you at the docs this week x
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    Heres this week challenge!! We should do well with a new and improved team :)

    In Summary:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage
    3. 10 minutes of arms, legs, abs, or booty workout, 1 day for each body area focus = 1 lbs advantage
    4. 5/7 days with at least 5 colors of food = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Recipe = 1 lbs for everyone who posts, extra 1 lbs for best recipe

    I like these challenges!

    I now do short bursts of exercise everytime I go to make a tea/coffee. Today is doing a sort of incline press up (put hands on worktop edge, take a big step back and do the press up from there) and also arm curls with bottle of water. Yesterday was doing steps and squats. Not sure how to include abs into this but will let you know.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Share your challenge ideas at the following link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/996673-challenge-ideas
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Hey ladies! Congrats to MLL for being in the top for points :)

    There were a few of us in the bottom (including myself :( ) What can we do to challenge one another???

    Ideas?? Checkins?? Mini challenges??
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    Well, doctor released me for Monday. Yeah! That means I get to go back to my kickboxing class next week. In the meantime, I'm trying to do a few squats, crunches, and get some cardio done daily.

    I posted my colorful lunch today. Since I've eaten the same thing daily for lunch and breakfast all week, I hope to get an advantage point for the five colors of food.

    Since I can do squats, how about a squat challenge? We could try to do 500 squats by next weigh in. When is it, Monday?
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Well, doctor released me for Monday. Yeah! That means I get to go back to my kickboxing class next week. In the meantime, I'm trying to do a few squats, crunches, and get some cardio done daily.

    I posted my colorful lunch today. Since I've eaten the same thing daily for lunch and breakfast all week, I hope to get an advantage point for the five colors of food.

    Since I can do squats, how about a squat challenge? We could try to do 500 squats by next weigh in. When is it, Monday?

    YAY!! congrats on being able to kick box! :) great news. I'm on the squat challenge!
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    Ok, it's on. Purple/Black team let's get 500 squats done by Monday weigh-in. This is a just to help ourselves challenge. Can you do it? Doesn't matter what kind you do. Just do 500. If you have knee problems, do sumo squats, It is much gentler on the knees. The only requirement of doing squats is to keep your weight in your heels. If you can wiggle your toes while you are down, you are doing it correctly. I've had 3 different trainers at 2 different places tell me that.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • karategirl2013
    Good morning ladies!

    Hope that you are all doing well. I have been MIA for a bit on the discussion board and not great about tracking my food (although I have been working out quite a bit). I realized that by being active on the discussion board, even if I was only posting once a day, I was coming on to the site and would end up tracking even if I didn't feel like it. I know for me tracking is one of my keys to success since I can be a "mindless" eater. It also seems that being part of a challenge and participating to discussions may also be one of my keys to success.

    My current challenge this week: I am testing for my next belt in karate on Saturday. As part of my test we have a fitness component - 2 sets x 75 reps of pushups, situps, squats and back fist/reverse punch combo. In addition to my workout videos and karate classes, I have been working on these exercises. The hardest for me are the pushups but I am finally at the point where I'm feeling confident that I can complete them during the test.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • karategirl2013
    Good morning ladies!

    Hope you are all doing well. I have been MIA on the discussion board for a bit (although I have been keeping up with my workouts). I haven't been tracking my food lately which has led to gaining a bit of weight back. I know that tracking is definitely one of my keys to success. It also seems that participating in the discussion board and being part of a challenge is another key to success for me since it brings me on to the site regularly to check in. Once on, I end up tracking my day. :smile:

    My challenge this week: I am testing for my next karate belt on Saturday morning. As part of my test we have a fitness component to complete. For this belt I have to complete 2 sets x 75 reps of pushups, situps, squats and mountain climbers. In addition to my workout videos and karate classes, I have been working on being able to complete the repetitions for these exercises. I am finally at the point now with my pushups (which is the hardest one for me) that I feel confident that I can complete them during the test (it will still be a challenge but I know that I can do it).

    Have a great day everyone!
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Guys

    I am going to have to stop being a part of this challenge, I have way too much going on and can't commit to it.

    I wish you all the best of luck on your weight loss journey x