maintaining health/weight while studying abroad in Russia?

I hope to study abroad in Russia soon and am interested in maintaining my health. They're big on meat, cheese, bread, potatoes and that sort of thing over there- as I've eaten a predominately-vegetable, predominately vegetarian diet all of my life, I know from experience that this will leave me feeling sick and bloated... I'm afraid that if I'm eating badly I'll feel so badly that I won't enjoy myself! I've been told by people who have gone on the trip that it's difficult but not impossible, but I'm still scared. Any tips?


  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I visited family in the philippines for 3 months with the best of itnentions to stay healthy. The truth is I gained about 10 pounds and now I have to work it off.. I would reccommend just working out as much as you can while you are there to keep the pounds off. It was too hot in Manila for me to keep up with running.
  • hausisse
    hausisse Posts: 90
    Thanks for the response and best of luck with that, I'm sure you can do it!

    Does anybody else have anything to say?
  • secretchallenge
    Hausisse :) I'm from Belarus (consider it Russia :)) and there're plenty of opportunities to live healthy. You should go to the 'bazar's where lokal people and companies sell all the fruits and vegetables you can imagine! You can choose the quality and bargain about the price. The grains and beans are widely available and are extremely cheap :) If you eat dairy products, there are many opportunities too. Just go to the bazar and skip the supermarkets :)