Preparation for 1 June Kickoff

Preparation is Key.

1. Clean eating is 80% of Success. So clear out the pantry, kitchen cupboards and fridge of anything that is going to prevent you from reaching your goals.

2. Dust off your dumb bells. Or ask around - someone always has a set sitting under the bed or in a back cupboard they can lend you.

3. Beg, borrow, steal, buy the dvd or download from the internet. I think also available on YouTube.

4. Make time. Make an appointment with yourself for 30 days. Are you busier than Barack Obama? He books an appointment to workout every day for 45 minutes. No matter what.

5. Check out your workout gear, get two sets ready. Wear one, wash one.

What else can you think of that will help us succeed?


  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Dumb bells - check
    DVD - check
    Workout gear - check.

    Just have to clean out the pantry and make the appointments with myself.

  • sitaACFALLE
    sitaACFALLE Posts: 5 Member
    I am definitely ready for this challenge! I've done the 30 day shred once before and had good results. I havent worked out in so long that my stamina decreased. Are we starting this June 1st?
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Yep, June 1 start date.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I'd like to join your group. I just downloaded it to my phone and iPad yesterday and did it the first time last night. I thought I would take an extra week at Level 1 - I'm a bit out of shape for the jumping jacks and pushups. I took pictures yesterday and measured. Would anyone mind if I did Level 1 until June 1 and then followed the program?
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Do what you like, no rules.
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    So excited - my dvd copy arrived today. Bought online so was slightly anxious that it may not arrive in time.

    I have done a lot of internet research on this dvd but have not actually viewed it.

    Do you think I should sit down and watch the dvd BEFORE June 1 .... or will that scare me witless and just suck it up and do it like a newby on Day 1?

    What meal plans are people choosing to follow? I am going to try the 5:2 for the month of June. I have printed out a copy of JM's Ripped in 30 Days meal plan but would like to follow the 5:2 longer term so will run them in conjunction with each other.
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    I would definitely watch level one before the challenge begins. I did the shred (well.....week 1) a few months ago and watching the DVD ahead of time gives you less "break time" while you figure out what Jillian wants you to be doing. Every second counts when your workout is only 20 minutes long :)
  • daskala3
    daskala3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group. I've tried JM 30 day shred before but quickly became unmotivated and never
    got past level 1.

    Where do I find the food plans? I'm going on my honeymoon On June 19 so I may start early. A little fearful
    of the bikini :)
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    I believe that JM has meal plans via her website. However, there is a cost involved.

    The truth is, we all know what we are meant to be eating - we just don't. More vegetables, lean protein, loads of water, little fat.

    I am in two minds about which plan I am going to follow.

    One I have is more restrictive - 800 calories on which I lost 6kgs - but I am thinking about doing the 5:2. It will be the first time I have tried the 5:2 but, with other things I have going on in the month of June, I think this could be the easiest to incorporate.

    What are others choosing to do? What goals are you aiming for? How are you going to maintain your motivation for 30 days - and beyond?
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21

    Which reminds me to ask .... how do you log JM 30 Day Shred workout in MFP?
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    stn760 - Good luck finding a food plan that works for you with the 30DS! If you found something that worked in the past sounds like a plan to go with it and see what happens!

    I plan to keep with my current food plan, about 1400 calories as I am maintaining. But I will add more protein to the mix as I usually come up a little short in that macro and would be good given the extra exercise. Would be nice to lose a few lbs but my goal is to get stronger and tone-up. Oh, and lose some of my stubborn baby belly ;-)

    I think I will log this as circuit training but add some weight lifting in as circuit training does not seem to log too many calories burned. As long as I am seeing results I probably won't worry too much about how it logs.

    I don't know how I am going to maintain my motivation... little scared with that one. I am hoping it will become habit after a few weeks!
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    I have loaded a couple of apps onto my smartphone that you may find helpful. All of them are free.

    1. Water your body - this is a reminder to drink water, based on your weight. I have had it loaded for 2 weeks now and have exceeded my water hydration goal every day (my daily goal is 2.4 litres - I usually do about 3 litres). I include all liquid that I drink - coffee and tea (not alcohol) - as well as water. It allows you to choose your usual glass, cup or bottle size. Love it.

    2. Accupedo pedometer - there are hundreds of these out there so just choose the one that suits you. I went for something simple but which shows me my daily and weekly totals. I have a goal of 10,000 steps per day. I have used it to inspire me to walk on my breaks at work. Even a 10 minute walk outside adds up. This inspires me to meet or exceed my goal.

    3. My Fitness Pal - of course! However, I find that it can be a drain to update all the time but it is great to be able to scan a barcode of a product to see if it is in the database and really accurately record servings.

    Do you have any apps that you think will be helpful during June?
  • sitaACFALLE
    sitaACFALLE Posts: 5 Member
    Fooducate is a great app. when it come to choosing the healthiest food. I use it all the time when grocery shopping.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    The last time I did 30DS I logged it as circuit training. I think there was a thread on the message boards and most people's opinion was to log it that way. I also use a HR monitor when I'm working out, so I get the calories burned correct, and circuit training was virtually correct in what MFP said I'd burned in 20 mins and what my HR monitor said I'd burned.

    Hope this helps.

  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Thank you! That is brilliant. I really didn't know how to log it and would not even have thought of circuit training - duh. Really makes a difference to be able to log every bit of exercise I do.

    Thank you so much for that update!
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21

    I am starting 5:2 Diet tomorrow. I have read the book - front to back, twice! - and think this is something that will work well.

    I work shifts so to be able to adapt to fit my roster is really important. Also, having to work in my daughters' meals etc to my own routine means this is the first nutirional plan where I think it could work really positively for the whole household.

    I am going to 'fast' on Mondays and Thursdays. Tomorrow is Day One!
  • BJohnson10604
    BJohnson10604 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Day 1 Level 1 today, before I found this group! Depending how I feel tomorrow, I might wait until June 1st to start! I'm sore already! ha! I think this is amazing that there is a group of us doing this together!! :)
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Hello and welcome! Yes, I got the dvd this week and did three days in a row.

    Ow. Ow. Ow.

    I am using 3kg weights but have to reduce to one for the front shoulder lifts. I am going to work up to doing that with both weights because I could barely straighten my arms Day 2.

    I was just doing a wee trial to see how I felt, what the dvd was like and how it would fit in with my shifts/roster.

    Part of Preparation!

    Looking forward to June 1!
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I've done 5 days so far and took 2 days off over the holiday because I did so much gradening and removed a living room carpet. Ugh. I noticed that I had to modify some things on day 3 and 4 cause my arms were sore. Ready to get back to it tonight for Day 6.

    I'll have to look into what the 5:2 is about. I've just been following MFP.
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    Three days down and my muscles are screaming. But I love it anyway ;-) Can't wait to get to day 10 and take measurements again to see the progress!