Abnormally cold before/during a drop on the scale?

tru2one Posts: 298 Member
I've been a low carb convert for years but am attempting to follow a more keto-centered approach this time around for weight loss. I'm curious to know if anyone else experiences periodic feelings of intense cold while losing? Not cold all the time, but like cold "flashes" that chill from the inside out? I'm noticing this phenomenon more with this round of weight loss and the only difference in my eating has been an attention to higher fat intake while low carbing. I'm not complaining, mind you (the scale has been very kind over the last month), but I'd like to hear from others who have experienced this, too. I've noticed this happens with me in the day or two leading up to a lower number on the scale...


  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Are you peri-menopausal? Cold flashes are a symptom just like hot flashes. I never got hot flashes but I would get cold flashes.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    Are you peri-menopausal? Cold flashes are a symptom just like hot flashes. I never got hot flashes but I would get cold flashes.

    Why, yes I am. :-) But I don't seem to experience this unless I'm actively losing weight. Like yesterday...had to keep my space heater on all day at work and today the scale was down to a new low.

    Perhaps it's a combination of hormones and weight loss. I see that you've lost a lot of weight yourself so were you experiencing the peri-meno cold flashes while you were actively losing? Or was it prior?
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Are you peri-menopausal? Cold flashes are a symptom just like hot flashes. I never got hot flashes but I would get cold flashes.

    Why, yes I am. :-) But I don't seem to experience this unless I'm actively losing weight. Like yesterday...had to keep my space heater on all day at work and today the scale was down to a new low.

    Perhaps it's a combination of hormones and weight loss. I see that you've lost a lot of weight yourself so were you experiencing the peri-meno cold flashes while you were actively losing? Or was it prior?

    I experienced the cold flashes before and during losing weight. As I'm losing weight I just get very cold but it's different than the cold flashes. The weight loss cold doesn't feel like it's coming from inside of me. It feels a lot more environmental and my feet especially will be like ice. With the cold flashes my whole body would be freezing. I would get into bed and pile on blankets and comforters and wouldn't feel any warmer.