


  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey, my name is Amber. I am 24, married with 3 kids, and just finished up getting my Bachelor's Degree back in December. I have been on my fitness quest for a very long time. I joined MFP back in 2010 after having my youngest but started back in 2006 with exercise - started with walking/Turbo Jam, have lost weight after each of my pregnancies but have never got to where I wanted. I started out way too small at 103 pounds, I am 5'4", and am aiming to get somewhere between 120-135, and be toned up. It has been slow going for me, but it's working. I have done Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, and some various other at home dvds.

    I just restarted LMC on the 27th. I had made it to week 5 or 6 before I became ill with my kids getting sick also. It ended up taking several weeks to get us all well. So now I am back to it and would love to have others who are doing the same thing to help keep me motivated. I do my workouts when I can, sometimes its in the morning, recently not until after my kids are in bed.

    Feel free to friend me ladies!

    edited to add: I am currently between 156-157 pounds. I have a scale that allows me to monitor BF%, which is currently 29.4%, water weight %, and muscle which is bouncing between 36-37% depending on when I hop on the scale.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hey, my name is Amber. I am 24, married with 3 kids, and just finished up getting my Bachelor's Degree back in December. I have been on my fitness quest for a very long time. I joined MFP back in 2010 after having my youngest but started back in 2006 with exercise - started with walking/Turbo Jam, have lost weight after each of my pregnancies but have never got to where I wanted. I started out way too small at 103 pounds, I am 5'4", and am aiming to get somewhere between 120-135, and be toned up. It has been slow going for me, but it's working. I have done Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, and some various other at home dvds.

    I just restarted LMC on the 27th. I had made it to week 5 or 6 before I became ill with my kids getting sick also. It ended up taking several weeks to get us all well. So now I am back to it and would love to have others who are doing the same thing to help keep me motivated. I do my workouts when I can, sometimes its in the morning, recently not until after my kids are in bed.

    Feel free to friend me ladies!

    edited to add: I am currently between 156-157 pounds. I have a scale that allows me to monitor BF%, which is currently 29.4%, water weight %, and muscle which is bouncing between 36-37% depending on when I hop on the scale.

    Welcome!! I look forward to seeing your progress too :)
  • BeTheBestMe76
    I'm just checking out the boards on the Les Mills Combat. I'm thinking of starting this coming week. Trying to figure out what two days a week I want to be my rest days so that I'm more likely to be able to stick to it. Also trying to figure out how hard these DVDs are - as in if they are going to be too hard to keep up with co-ordination wise. My sister is on her 2nd round of 90 days and has had amazing results. I think doing them and having a daily check in and accountability will help like with anything of course.

    Also, how do you count these workouts with giving yourself credit for calories burned? Are you counting them as Kickboxing? High Impact/Low Impact Aerobics? Or are you using a HRM? curious...

    Good Luck!!

    I use a HRM. I was really shocked to see how far off the calorie calculators were! It really makes a difference when you're counting calories.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I'm just checking out the boards on the Les Mills Combat. I'm thinking of starting this coming week. Trying to figure out what two days a week I want to be my rest days so that I'm more likely to be able to stick to it. Also trying to figure out how hard these DVDs are - as in if they are going to be too hard to keep up with co-ordination wise. My sister is on her 2nd round of 90 days and has had amazing results. I think doing them and having a daily check in and accountability will help like with anything of course.

    Also, how do you count these workouts with giving yourself credit for calories burned? Are you counting them as Kickboxing? High Impact/Low Impact Aerobics? Or are you using a HRM? curious...

    Good Luck!!

    I use a HRM. I was really shocked to see how far off the calorie calculators were! It really makes a difference when you're counting calories.

    I know it really is a big difference! I love mine and try not to exercise without it!
  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Hey All!! I'm so happy to find this group! My name is Rebecca, I'm 36, a wife and a full time working mom of 2 (4 year old boy and 5 year old girl). I am starting Les Mills Combat today!!! I received it last week in the mail - I did the first workout but wanted to actually start the program on a Monday. I am also training for my first half marathon on September 21st. I don't know if I am crazy to try to do both of these together but the les mills program seems like it would be great to build muscle and tone which will help with the running. It will be a struggle for me to fit this all in but I plan to do my les mills workouts mainly in the morning. That didn't work today, but tomorrow that's the goal!!

    So, is any equipment needed other than handweights? I have old fashioned handweights on a small bar I am hoping will work, but I can buy some 5 lb weights if needed. What other materials are used? I saw mention of gloves. Does anyone use these and if so, do they like them? Any other advice for a beginner?

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and getting through this together!

  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Hey All!! I'm so happy to find this group! My name is Rebecca, I'm 36, a wife and a full time working mom of 2 (4 year old boy and 5 year old girl). I am starting Les Mills Combat today!!! I received it last week in the mail - I did the first workout but wanted to actually start the program on a Monday. I am also training for my first half marathon on September 21st. I don't know if I am crazy to try to do both of these together but the les mills program seems like it would be great to build muscle and tone which will help with the running. It will be a struggle for me to fit this all in but I plan to do my les mills workouts mainly in the morning. That didn't work today, but tomorrow that's the goal!!

    So, is any equipment needed other than handweights? I have old fashioned handweights on a small bar I am hoping will work, but I can buy some 5 lb weights if needed. What other materials are used? I saw mention of gloves. Does anyone use these and if so, do they like them? Any other advice for a beginner?

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and getting through this together!


    I don't use anything other them a heart rate monitor and some hand weights. I don't use the gloves, but I know alot of people that do. I am on the count down and only have about 9 days left. I loved my journey, and will be more then glad to answer any questions you might have. You will LOVE it!

    Welcome to the group!