Plant Strong BW Comparions - 2011 to 2013

kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member

Test / Result

Jan. 20, 2011 Blood Draw:

Total Chol. 202
HDL (Good Chol) 69
LDL (Bad Chol) 119
TriGlycerides 71

May 13, 2013 Blood Draw:

Total Chol. 193
(less then 200 is desirable – Dr. McDougall notes that 150 or less is ideal)

HDL (Good Chol) 50
(40 – 60 is optimal – Dr. McDougall notes higher is better with a caveat that all fractions of cholesterol are reduced on a plant based diet)

LDL (Bad Chol) 100
( is in the optimal range of 100 or less and lower then past blood work draw – Dr. McDougall suggests less then 90 as the ideal )

TriGlycerides 213
(less then 200 is ok – less then 150 is ideal – primary not concerned over this number given the LDL is nice and low – will research and see if any data on plant based suggests why the increase given no fat, nothing processed, etc.)


  • SkinneyGirl28
    SkinneyGirl28 Posts: 145 Member
    I have some of Dr McDougal's cook books. Are you working with him in person?

    SkinneyGirl28 :smile:
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I don't have anything exciting to report, but here are some results I got that should at least be reassuring to people who wonder if they can succeed on WFPB or have been told that they'll end up anemic or B12 deficient.

    I saw a naturopath recently because I wasn't feeling like I was the best I could be considering how well I'd been eating* (went from being a junk food vegan for five or six years to a mostly whole foods vegan). She sent me to get blood work done to rule out anemia, thyroid issues, etc. Well, I haven't seen her to go over my results yet, but I just checked out them out online, and I'm in the normal range for everything tested, including hemoglobin, B12 and ferritin. My hemoglobin and B12 levels were actually fantastic, which is awesome because even lots of non-vegans have trouble keeping those levels up.

    So there you go! I've been eating a fully plant-based, mostly whole foods diet for four months, and I make almost everything from scratch, including my almond milk, and I don't take supplements except for B12. Tell anyone who tells you that can't be healthy without animal products or supplements to kiss your butt and then mine.

    *My issue is probably a food sensitivity. I'm doing an elimination diet for June to figure it out.