Day 1, Stage 1... did I do ok?!

Hello ladies!
First of all, thanks for this amazingly inspirational group, I've had NROL4W for a couple of years now (ahem...) and finally decided to start the programme today, having read all your stories and words of encouragement.

I don't think my gym has a squat rack so I used dumbells for the squats - has anyone else do this? Once I get more at ease and less self-conscious (hopefully that'll happen!) in the gym I'll ask to double-check!! Everything else was good, I'm very happy I was able to practise the jackknifes at home first and fall off the ball in private! Does anyone else find it's really hard to actually get on the ball without falling off?

The weights I used today were:

Squats - set 1: 5kg (11lb), set 2: 5kg (11lb)
Seated row - set 1: 20kg (44 lb), set 2: 17.5kg (38.5lb)
Step-ups - set 1: 6kg (13lb), set 2: 6kg (13lb)

Do these sound ok weights to start with? Hopefully once I've got more used to the exercises I'll be able to increase. Is it common to be able to increase with each workout?

Also, what other exercise (if any) have NROL4Wers been doing? I feel like 3 days is not enough (maybe it's just that 'must do cardio' mindset - not that I like cardio, but it's ingrained somehow!).

Right, will stop rambling now, looking forward to chatting with you inspiring lifters soon!
Jane x


  • zeppelinkd
    zeppelinkd Posts: 26 Member
    I workout at home, so I am limited to using dumbbells too. This wasn't a problem until the end of stage one for me when my lower body strength was noticeably more powerful than my upper body strength. I know that I could squat more than 70 pounds, but it's difficult for me to hold onto more than 35 pound dumbbells in each hand. I'm not going to join a gym, though. I'm definitely a workout at home kind of person.

    It's hard to know if your starting weights are a good for your or not. Everyone starts at a different weight, depending on what their own strength is. If you think that you could do more than the 15 reps that the book calls for in the first two workouts, then I would increase your weight amount. You should choose a weight that fatigues you by the last couple of reps.

    I was able to increase the amount of weight I used with each workout. My dumbbells are adjustable by 2.5lb increments. That made it a lot easier to increase with each workout, as opposed to having 5lb increments in weights like most commercial gyms.

    I can relate to feeling like lifting three days a week wasn't enough. Once you get to stage 2, you will be doing HIIT at the end of workout B each time. (Or is it workout A? Can remember off the top of my head). In addition to the NROL4W workouts, I also run or go for long walks - depending on how my muscles are healing from each lifting session. I will go for a walk if I feel that my legs need more time to heal but also feel like getting in some exercise.

    Lastly, my balance with each exercise has improved quite a bit over time. By the end of stage one, the jackknife will a sinch!

    I'm in the middle of stage 2 now, and am really loving the program. By the way, I didn't take the week off as recommended between stage 1 and stage 2, and am really paying for it now!

    Best of luck to you!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I think it sounds fine. The main thing is that you're pushing yourself with what you have without going over-the-top to the point where you could cause injury. I think it's a personal thing because the amounts you can start with will depend on so many different factors that not everyone will be the same.
    For example, I started stage 1 on Monday, and I did 45lb (the bar) for squats, 55lb for seated row, and 45lb (the bar again, but I think I'm going to switch to dumbells for better control) for the step-ups (to a bench). I know some people start higher, others start lower. Do what works for you. Personally, I push myself to the point that I'm struggling with the final reps.

    As far as additional exercises, I'm doing c25k on my NR off days. I was on week 4 of c25k and doing fine, but after my first day of NR, I could barely run so I walked most of my workout on Tuesday.
  • angeldelightful
    Thanks so much zeppelinkd and crista_b for your replies and advice. Today I did workout B and got a trainer at the gym to show me how to use the barbell for deadlifts, so am making an effort not to be too intimidated by the weights area!