Calories Earned ... to eat or not to eat

SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
Hello everyone I just wanted to get your opinion about daily calories and earned calories. Do you eat them not eat them....

I am at a stand still because I am not eating all my 'assigned' calories so forget the exercise. I am wondering if I should increase to loose weight...anyone know have a thought. If I get 1840 calories and burn 700 do I only eat 1140? Maybe I should make an appointment with a nutrition expert - I am so confused.


  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    hey girl!!! i'm waiting for some responses cause I don't know the answer either!!
  • auburnlady78
    auburnlady78 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't never eat back my extra cal's as long as i'm at 1200 to 1300 cal's. If i'm less then 1200 then yes I will eat extra to get up to 1200. I'm set at just a little over 1600 cal's a day. So fare this has worked for me and I'm losing 1 to 2 pounds a week and i'm ok with that. I don't want to lose the weight fast because this is a life long change for me. I'm like a new babe learning how to eat right and be healthy. And it also is teaching me how to not over do it so when they drop the calorie count on me. Truth be told you have to do what works for you and your body.

    Good luck.. :smile:
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    I am finding my weight has gone up and down the same 2lbs ... and feel like the last 3 weeks have been a wash. I am wondering if I need to eat more to loose weight instead of eating less. Especially the days I workout twice making my daily burn over 1200.
  • miranda823
    miranda823 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't typically eat back all my workout calories, but I will use them for a treat sometimes if I really want. Also, if I have netted under 1000 I will definitely eat some more.