Important to know when losing weight!

The most important thing to know when losing weight.

The ideal weight lost is that one that makes you loose the fat while preserving your metabolic engine: your muscles.

You achieve such goal by either reducing calories to not less than five hundred calories or by burning those calories through exercise and becoming more active throughout the day. However, the traditional approach forces one to engage in a overly stressing battle as they use both approaches. In doing so, you aren't just over stimulating stress hormone but burning away invaluable muscles tissue.

Continuously using this approach will leave you exhausted after a while as your system tries to cope with not only drastic calorie reduction but also bearing the pounding caused as you exercise by doing cardio activities mainly.

You will be smaller in size but with less muscles structure, looking flabby and with less capability to burn fat Following this approach.


  • gymisue
    gymisue Posts: 24 Member
    Looking forward to the knowledge that you will share. :)