White Sugar, I'm breaking up with you for good!

conniedj Posts: 470 Member
It's been about 2 years since I broke up with refined sugar--and I don't miss it at all! I have fun trying to figure out new ways to make the old standby baking stuff without refined anything!

One of my fave bloggers: Food Babe
This is a post about all the other sugar alternatives out there ( NO CHEMICALS)!! Enjoy!



  • Marga40
    Marga40 Posts: 25
    That's great information! I hadn't heard of most of those options before. I'm glad to see she's not suggesting stevia or agave. (Both are highly processed).

    I use manuka honey - what else do you all use as sweetener?
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I cut out white sugar about 1 1/2 years ago. I use mostly local honey when I need something sweetened. Hoping it helps with allergies as well. I have some raw sugar, but it's just sitting there as well as my agave syrup. I threw out the Stevia as it's a green leaf and white powdered Stevia just seems so unnatural.