Nutrition Panels / Potassium and Calcium

lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
When I joined MFP and started logging my food intake, I was really worried by what appeared to be a serious lack of potassium. I'm vegan, and make an effort to increase raw intake. I did notice that some nutrient panels do not include potassium, but there is potassium in the food. Does anyone else have anything to say about this? I also was surprised my calcium was low. Maybe a similar issue? Am I really short on potassium and calcium? Any advice?


  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I've noticed the same thing. After 30 days here I started running nutrient reports & I was low on Calcium, Iron and Potassium. I thought I might start taking supplements, but I've just used it as a tool and be more aware of what I'm eating and I've managed to bring my levels up. Potassium is the hardest since I don't eat lots of potatoes or bananas due to the carbs. I figure once I'm at a better weight I will be able to add these back into my diet in moderation, so for now I'll just deal with the deficit.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    bok choy is full of calcium!
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    potassium is pretty easy...its just not on alot of the nutrition info people plug in. avocados, bananas, beet greens, and beans will get you up there. and for calcium...a great way to be sure you're getting enough is to drink nettle tea. you won't have exact numbers but it is really high in calcium and a ton of other minerals

    think quality over quantity! i believe those "standards" are based on poor, hard to absorb sources.

    just eat your veggies!