Sunday May 26th Weigh In

Ritaleslie Posts: 44 Member
:flowerforyou: Hi all:
Another week has passed and it time to share our Sunday weigh in. We did well last week with just 13 of us contributing. Lets see what happens this week!

I am down 1 lb. Lots of eating out this week.

Eager to hear from you! :flowerforyou:



  • walk_fit
    walk_fit Posts: 83 Member
    5/26 Sunday- 190.5lbs
    Weightloss- 1.4lbs
    Have been in a plateau for a long time ,increased my water intake to show a loss on the scale.

    Good luck to all in their weightloss journey this week.
  • J198S
    J198S Posts: 20 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week I'm down to 188 pounds.
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I dropped 3 pounds this week; down to 160.2! Quite a surprise since I didn't log food yesterday, as I was celebrating my grandson's 1st birthday. He was a preemie born 12 weeks early, and has come so far; there was much to celebrate!
    Hope everyone has had a wonderful week!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Dang! Great job all! I am currently sitting at 37,000 feet probably some where over Eastern Colorado so I may be late with the weigh-in this week. Way to keep it going!!!!! :smile:
  • Ritaleslie
    Ritaleslie Posts: 44 Member
    Great job so far to everyone! aseymour13 is in Colorado --- hope the scenery is beautiful and its not too cold!
  • Luya86
    Luya86 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss: 4lbs
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Don't know how, but I'm down 4.8 this week. Congrats everyone- good job!
  • cookiedude85
    cookiedude85 Posts: 3 Member

    Sorry i'm late with my weigh in. I've been super busy at work!!

    Last weigh in i was 157.5lbs, this week i was 155.3lbs so thats 2.2lbs lost

    Congrats everyone on another week done.

    Nicki xxx