Upped my calories and still losing

Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
Just thought I'd share this little insight in case it helps anybody. This week, I gave myself a challenge despite any doubts in my mind. Despite what I've been reading for half a year, I still was struggling with eating my exercise calories and eating over my BMR.

My challenge this week was to eat to hunger within Paleo/Primal limits, up my carbs a bit since I was doing cardio, and not count calories but to actually net over my BMR. I started the week off at 158 because the week before I had started P90X, and as a result was sore and retaining water. So this week, I cut back on strength training and did Insanity (cardio and strength) only, and only 3 days worth so far.

The results are very good. I increased my calories to around 1900-2100 for 4 out of 5 days. I also increase my carbs slightly in adding sweet potatoes along with more veggies. Previously I was eating between 1200-1500 calories and working out hard, only to gain weight as a result.

The overall results...a loss of 3 lbs for the week as a result of eating more, adding additional carbs equating to 60-90 grams a day, and adding rest days in between my workouts.

Oh and one more thing, this is my PMS week. So with water retention, I lost 3 lbs. I can only imagine that next week's loss will be even more significant.


  • Talialala
    Talialala Posts: 40 Member
    This is amazing. It's INSANE how scared we all are of upping my calories. I tell you, I would have jumped off a bridge blind folded, sang in front of a crowded city block, or ANYTHING else before I upped my calories. But then I got the courage like you and did it and OMGOSH I couldn't believe how wrong I was before :)

    I'm proud of you!! :)
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you, Talialala! I appreciate the support you give. You rock!

    It'll be fun to see how my hunger changes throughout this week, as I'm no longer hormonal and as such, my hunger is lower. I'm just going to continue to follow my body's cues and see where that leads. I'm definitely going to be eating back my exercise calories though. Excited about the outcome, whether it's negative or positive.
  • Septlondon
    Septlondon Posts: 45 Member
    thankyou for your post. I have been stuck on the same weight for some time now, feeling good from cutting out all grains and sugar, but not loosing any more weight. Two days ago I got up the courage to up my calories, couldn't believe it when the scales showed a loss. I was still feeling nervous....years and years of trying to limit calories.....your post was so timely, I feel confident to keep on trying to eat more.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    thankyou for your post. I have been stuck on the same weight for some time now, feeling good from cutting out all grains and sugar, but not loosing any more weight. Two days ago I got up the courage to up my calories, couldn't believe it when the scales showed a loss. I was still feeling nervous....years and years of trying to limit calories.....your post was so timely, I feel confident to keep on trying to eat more.

    Glad I could help by sharing my experience. Feel free to befriend me, Septlondon. I'm always down to help others.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Great results! I eat when i'm hungry and if I'm not, I don't eat (much). Sometimes I find it had to reach my calorie goal and sometimes I'm way over. I pretty much never pay attention to it.... or at least I don't obsess or care if I'm over. I still lose consistently, so it works for me.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    This is great! I hate how people always assume that you're gonna gain if you eat more. I was about 200 cals over today but my micros were pretty spot on so I was happy with it!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Thank you for this ... I always beat myself up if I go over and it's never caused me to gain weight before... I just freak out for no reason. I recently went from 1200 to 1400 to maintain and it's been pretty steady maintaining on this ... I'm trying to get out of that diet mentality maybe I'll try upping again and see what happens :)
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I'm so interested in this. I've been struggling to eat enough on Paleo so am going to Primal. I've got around 80-100 lbs to lose but I'm really scared of upping. I tend to end up around 1500 a day on Primal.

    Scared :/
  • jodester13
    jodester13 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new to Paleo/Primal -- but I had a similar experience on a regular 1200 calorie diet. You body thinks you are starving it and won't give up the weight. Grr. Frustrating. I upped my calories to 1500-1700 depending on workout of the day, and finally feel like I'm seeing some progress. I'm glad to hear others have similar experiences. It's crazy that we are told over and over again that it's the calories in versus out -- but then when you actually pay attention to your own calories in and out - the math simply doesn't work!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I was in a long plateau until I upped my calories.. and guess what? I started losing again =0
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Great to know so many of us are upping the calories, staying within macronutrient ratios and still losing! Paleo/Primal amazes me everyday, and I have learned something new through this now 7-months journey regarding my relationship with food, and overcoming so many questions regarding nutrition dogma. (I seriously want to donate my Fitness Magazine subscription to somebody else, because I can't read it now without rolling my eyes.)

    I have to admit that today I just haven't been as hungry. I worked out and have only netted about 300+ so far. Dinner is still to come (ribs, sweet potato and a salad), so I'm gonna eat well tonight and rest accordingly. Thanks for all the stories, everybody!!