This is will be a rough one for me

I have lost some weight so far,but that is primarily do to exercise. I can feel my body tense up when I think of 90 days without fast food, fried food or pop. I am an emotional eater - eek! I have never had an open diary either.... ;0)

Looking forward to the challenge. Glad I have a few days to prepare myself.

Add me as a friend if you like .

Erin from Canada eh ; )


  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    I'm kinda nervous about the open diary too. But at least it is more accountability!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Yep it is all about accountability! We will be here for each other!
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    This is gonna be tough but it will be well worth it! I don't think I have ever gone 7 days without fried or fast food.