Re-starting JMBR 7-23-12

Tanya0927 Posts: 23 Member
So I got the JMBR system a few months back and did a few of the workouts but...I had started back to work after being a stay-at-home mom and have been having issues with hypoglycemia and just overall not feeling well so I haven't been working out at all and just trying to eat balanced to keep sugars in check.

I need to get my rear in gear though and stick with the program because I really need to lose this 20-30 pounds I've been trying to lose for oh i don't know like 16 years!!!! UGH!!!!

Sooooo..................Lets do this!!!!! :love:


  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome back! If you are trying to balance getting back to work and your family, I think you've picked a great program. Having the workouts be only 30 minutes has really helped me stick with it. Good luck, and remember to take your measurements. The scale is not the best judge of success.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm starting today too! I got it several months ago when it was first released and have done most of phase one, but ended up with a tibial stress fracture (from something completely different) so now I get to start back up again!

    I'm pumped!! Add me for some motivation!
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    I need to start over. I had like 2-3 weeks left and had to quit because i was shaking things on the wall on the floor below me. woops! But its a great workout and loved the results I saw
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with apprae. The 30 minutes is what keeps me going on this program even after I had finished it. Many people move onto something else, but I cannot do more than the 30 minutes.

    I'm glad you are starting again!
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    :) I'm in the same boat!

    I bought BR in May... and did well for a few weeks then fell off the bandwagon! But I've started again too! :)

    We can do it!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    yay for all the re-starters!! (and those who have stuck with it of course:)) i am starting back today myself. I was halfway through phase 2 and loving it and then, long story short, i let life get in the way. i've been away from it for about a month. i was thinking of doing a shortened version of phase one this time, but we will see how i feel after tonight:). best of luck to everyone!
  • ladyIcan
    ladyIcan Posts: 38 Member
    I am restarting as of today, too, with the kickstart week! I started a while back in April (I think), but it was too much for me to follow JMBR and study for the Bar exam. I am a terrible emotional eater, and studying and stressing over my studies has been by far the worst trigger for me. I just took the Bar last week, did grocery shopping over the weekend, and I am ready to move mountains :)
    Please add me for motivation, and let's support each other!
  • kerigla
    kerigla Posts: 18 Member
    Right there with ya'll. Started off good but got off track. Back on the train today.