Do i need to eat if I'm not hungry??

perthpog Posts: 8 Member
I am on an eating plan of approx. 1700 - 1800 cals and consists of 5 meals a day ... 6 if I’m up for 3hrs past my dinner.
Now each meal consists of 100g of Protein, topped up with veg / salad and both morning tea and lunch have 100g of carbs (I use sweet potato).

Of late I have not been hungry at all and I know the eating plan is supposed to up my metabolism and I should be super hungry 2.5 - 3 hrs between meals. Because of this I have not been eating my 4th meal of the day (afternoon tea) and have been skipping the carbs from either meal 2 or 3.

Should I be forcing down the food even though I’m just not hungry, in hope my metabolism will kick in and I will soon be craving food? Am I jeopardising putting on weight if I don’t keep up with the meals? Or is it ok to skip elements of my plan?

What are your thoughts?


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there!

    I know, that in the beginning it can be hard to get all the calories in.
    But you have to have in mind, that consistency is key for EM2WL, especially in the beginning, until your body trusts you again if you are coming from a VLCD.
    If you are finding it hard to get your calories in as meals, make shakes. Add calorie dense foods to the shakes such as nut butter or coconut oil.
    Try to hit your calorie goals, so your body knows, that food supply is granted. Otherwise you run in danger, that your body holds on to everything you are putting in.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    agree with Noor, force it for the first few days and i promise it will get easier!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    You & me both esp as my half marathon training is giving me so many exercise cals which brings my net ridiculously low fighting to net 500 today.

    I've bought avocados & cashews today to try to help
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    The only thought I have for you is possibly expanding your options? Based on what you stated you are quite limited? Just a thought :)
  • perthpog
    perthpog Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome Guys, appreciate the feedback!! will start shoveling it down tomorrow!!