August is for lifters - Check in and Chat Thread



  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    Going in tonight after Tuesday night was a write off. Got home 30mins late, then there were 7 guys doing inclined press ups in the rack and I only got to use it 40mins before gym closes and had a guy jumping in with me, which was fine, but no time for the rest of the workout. :S

    So tonight, hopeful face, I will attempt 62.5kg squats, repeat 35kg on bench and row.

    Fingers crossed I get in. LOL
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm a few weeks into the program... so far so good. The only lift that I think will start giving me grief sooner than the others is the OHP. I'm at 55 so far....we shall see. I was really feeling it towards the end on my last OHP day. The other issue I have is that squats KILL my wrists and shoulders...I am super flexible (hyper actaully) so being stiff isn't the reason. ....I'm thinking I need wrist braces or something...other than that, I am taking this week and next week off (except the weekends) for baby swimming lessons. I might have to deload a bit when I start back up on my regular 3x a week routine but for now I'll only be lifting on Sat and Sun back to back (Its a no no...I know). Luckily my work weight is still pretty light compared to what I was used to.....

    Anyone use the safety squat bar for squats?

    I had this problem, too. Look up thumbless grip with low bar position. With that, your hands push the bar onto your back and are just balancing the bar, not holding it. It took a little getting used to, as it's different and you end up going forward a little more in the down position, but it helps that wrist thing (my wrists are hypermobile, too).

    I googled this issue yesterday before I saw your reply and from what I can see, a lot of power lifters suggest something called a "false grip" where your thumb is actually on the same side of the bar as your other fingers. Is this kinda what you are suggesting too? Can't wait to try it...apparently you can do it with dead lifts and rows too!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I changed to having my thumbs over the bar and wrists straighter. It felt awkward and I had to put my hands a little bit wider on the bar, but I've got used to it and don't seem to have any problems with my wrists or shoulders. I don't use that grip for deadlifts, because I'm actually holding the bar for deadlifts, whereas for squats all I need to do is keep it in position. It feels reasonably comfortable now I'm used to it.
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    I think I am going to start doing SL just 2x/week. I might do something with higher reps. that involves more muscle endurance for my 3rd strength workout each week to change things up. Not quite sure exactly what I'll do. Any suggestions?
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm a few weeks into the program... so far so good. The only lift that I think will start giving me grief sooner than the others is the OHP. I'm at 55 so far....we shall see. I was really feeling it towards the end on my last OHP day. The other issue I have is that squats KILL my wrists and shoulders...I am super flexible (hyper actaully) so being stiff isn't the reason. ....I'm thinking I need wrist braces or something...other than that, I am taking this week and next week off (except the weekends) for baby swimming lessons. I might have to deload a bit when I start back up on my regular 3x a week routine but for now I'll only be lifting on Sat and Sun back to back (Its a no no...I know). Luckily my work weight is still pretty light compared to what I was used to.....

    Anyone use the safety squat bar for squats?

    I had this problem, too. Look up thumbless grip with low bar position. With that, your hands push the bar onto your back and are just balancing the bar, not holding it. It took a little getting used to, as it's different and you end up going forward a little more in the down position, but it helps that wrist thing (my wrists are hypermobile, too).

    I googled this issue yesterday before I saw your reply and from what I can see, a lot of power lifters suggest something called a "false grip" where your thumb is actually on the same side of the bar as your other fingers. Is this kinda what you are suggesting too? Can't wait to try it...apparently you can do it with dead lifts and rows too!

    Yes, but Rippetoe recommends it ONLY for squats. He says several times in SS that this grip is only for squats.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm a few weeks into the program... so far so good. The only lift that I think will start giving me grief sooner than the others is the OHP. I'm at 55 so far....we shall see. I was really feeling it towards the end on my last OHP day. The other issue I have is that squats KILL my wrists and shoulders...I am super flexible (hyper actaully) so being stiff isn't the reason. ....I'm thinking I need wrist braces or something...other than that, I am taking this week and next week off (except the weekends) for baby swimming lessons. I might have to deload a bit when I start back up on my regular 3x a week routine but for now I'll only be lifting on Sat and Sun back to back (Its a no no...I know). Luckily my work weight is still pretty light compared to what I was used to.....

    Anyone use the safety squat bar for squats?

    I had this problem, too. Look up thumbless grip with low bar position. With that, your hands push the bar onto your back and are just balancing the bar, not holding it. It took a little getting used to, as it's different and you end up going forward a little more in the down position, but it helps that wrist thing (my wrists are hypermobile, too).

    I googled this issue yesterday before I saw your reply and from what I can see, a lot of power lifters suggest something called a "false grip" where your thumb is actually on the same side of the bar as your other fingers. Is this kinda what you are suggesting too? Can't wait to try it...apparently you can do it with dead lifts and rows too!

    Yes, but Rippetoe recommends it ONLY for squats. He says several times in SS that this grip is only for squats.

    Other people will talk about a thumbless grip for other movements - the deal is, in some ways it IS better for certain people (the way our bodies are, hands are, etc) but its more dangerous.

    So, its up to you. I wouldn't switch to thumbless unless its causing you a LOT of discomfort or making the movement too difficult/off kilter for you. You are a lot less likely to drop a loaded barbell on your chest if you use a grip with thumbs, but also for MOST movements you have time to get the f*** out of the way before it lands on you and assuming you have a spotter, if you feel your hand start to slip you can always yell for help.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    Confession time- I was on week 4, and then I quit. My squats were killing my hips, and I'm kind of a chicken to ask anyone in the gym for help. I already used my orientation to strength training that comes free with a membership (of course she told me an hour of cardio 6x/week and light weights/high reps UGHHH) and I don't know what to do.

    I'm seriously trying to convince my social butterfly husband to start this with me. He doesn't know jack about lifting outside of what he learned in high school football (nothing solid), but at least he won't be afraid to ask someone to help us (read me, lol). Once I quit working out, my eating went to crapland, and I'm re-losing some weight.

    Okay, this was super whiny. Not my intention, I swear! But you all inspire me to not give up my dream of being strong. If nothing else, I can start going to the gym more often once school starts since my little ones will all be in childcare.
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    Yeah Q!!!!! Whoot! Whoot! :drinker:

    I finally weighed myself after staying off the scale for a month and my weight is up slightly (118.8 to 122.6) but....and there is a but, but my butt is smaller!! ;o) Yeah squats!!!!

    I'm at Session 39, working toward on 95 # tomorrow, 75 chest press, barbell 75, DL 145 (actually accomplished 155 but deloaded), OHP 60. My biggest accomplishment was finally moving to the Olympic bar for OHP bc I was increasing weight on the smaller bar because I just could not do it...don't know if it was balance thing because I'm so short or what but using the OB was a huge success for me.

    Go get 'it this month girls!!! Let's close the month with a BANG!! :wink:
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    @ Wheezy, so you quit. You can start back over. Tomorrow is a new day to live your dream. Make it happen & go get it!! :)
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    but....and there is a but, but my butt is smaller!! ;o) Yeah squats!!!!

    I started doing squats and my (already big) butt got bigger. However, I stand with you on the Yeah squats! Because...I like big butts. And I cannot lie.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Yes, I don't think squats are the exercise for butt-reducing for some of us. I've been watching the Olympic lifting and all the lifters, male and female, are well padded in the butt department. It looks great! I would love to have that kind of rear! I'm hoping that with the lifting, when I lose weight I'll have a good shape underneath the fat. I don't mind the size as I've always had a big behind.

    I'm starting August with (in pounds this time):
    Squats 112lb
    Bench press 77 lb
    Overhead press 45 lb
    Deadlift 154 lb

    I've had problems with all these lifts last month. I'm about to deload on deadlifts. Squats are my nemesis at the moment. I have deloaded to work on form, but still haven't managed to get back up there. I have been working really hard at them, though, and I'm hoping for progress on both form and weight in August.

    I just wondered, is there anyone else here who is really overweight? Just going by your profile pics, you all look perfect! Are there any other big women here? I'd be interested to know how/if your weight affects you. I'm obese and losing weight and I don't THINK the extra weight causes problems (except perhaps in the squats), but I do find the calorie restriction difficult.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    I just wondered, is there anyone else here who is really overweight? Just going by your profile pics, you all look perfect! Are there any other big women here? I'd be interested to know how/if your weight affects you. I'm obese and losing weight and I don't THINK the extra weight causes problems (except perhaps in the squats), but I do find the calorie restriction difficult.

    I'm still technically obese. I'm 5'3", starting weight 196ish lbs, now around 173ish.

    Doc wants me around 140 or less.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm roughly your "before" then - 5' 3" and 194. I'm down from about 217. But stalling at the moment. (I seem to be stalling on everything, whether it's weights or weight!). Well done on the weight loss!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    First of all, well done Qarol AND everyone else!! Awesome work!

    Ive deloaded on a few things this week to work on form, but upped OHP (finally) and DL. I managed to finish out the week this morn on
    30kg OHP, a full (really hard) 5x5. Will stick until is better and form is awesome.
    70kg deadlifts! This was mothereffing hard!! Good week though, very happy!
  • RunningDirty
    Okay, this was super whiny. Not my intention, I swear! But you all inspire me to not give up my dream of being strong. If nothing else, I can start going to the gym more often once school starts since my little ones will all be in childcare.
    Do you have a routine until your kiddies start school? Can you post a video of your squats for form feedback? There are some really knowledgeable lifters in this group who can definitely help you on form, but a description/video would help. Many people complain about hip soreness when starting squats and sometimes it's just a small adjustment on form that helps or lack of flexibility (foam rolling helps).

    You got this! :flowerforyou:
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Squats: 110lbs
    Bench: 80lbs
    Row: 45lbs

    Knocked my row down to the bar to work on form. I tried a different grip. I will not be trying that again. However, knocking the weight down to the bar and focusing completely on form, I think I can make peace with that lift.
  • mjboswell
    mjboswell Posts: 114 Member
    Ok so I started stronglifts Monday but my legs were too sore to lift Wednesday. I went to the gym yesterday and it did not go as well as I had hoped. I did add the 5lbs to my squats but I was not able to get to level, my legs were still too sore. The deadlifts went well but then I got to the OHP. I had no idea I was so weak. UGH! I managed to do the first set of 5 at 40lbs, but when I tried to do the second set it was clear I was not strong enough to do them with proper form. So I asked the gym employee what I could do that was similar but one that I would actually be able to do. He suggested a machine so I gave it a try, it was definately easier. He said I should use that to build strength in the main muscles used and then move on to the free weights. So I have a couple of questions. Has anyone else tried using the machine to build muscle before doing the free weights? Also for my next workout should I stay at the same weight for squats since I did not squat all the way down with my last workout? Thanks ladies.

    Squats: 50lbs
    DL: 40lbs
    OHP: 35lbs (machine)
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Ok so I started stronglifts Monday but my legs were too sore to lift Wednesday. I went to the gym yesterday and it did not go as well as I had hoped. I did add the 5lbs to my squats but I was not able to get to level, my legs were still too sore. The deadlifts went well but then I got to the OHP. I had no idea I was so weak. UGH! I managed to do the first set of 5 at 40lbs, but when I tried to do the second set it was clear I was not strong enough to do them with proper form. So I asked the gym employee what I could do that was similar but one that I would actually be able to do. He suggested a machine so I gave it a try, it was definately easier. He said I should use that to build strength in the main muscles used and then move on to the free weights. So I have a couple of questions. Has anyone else tried using the machine to build muscle before doing the free weights? Also for my next workout should I stay at the same weight for squats since I did not squat all the way down with my last workout? Thanks ladies.

    Squats: 50lbs
    DL: 40lbs
    OHP: 35lbs (machine)

    I would look at dumbbells or a lighter training bar instead of the machine. Or if your gym has those preset barbells at lighter weights (mine has ones that goes down to 20 lbs).
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm roughly your "before" then - 5' 3" and 194. I'm down from about 217. But stalling at the moment. (I seem to be stalling on everything, whether it's weights or weight!). Well done on the weight loss!

    Thanks. It feels like I'm stuck for 2-3 weeks, then I'll drop .5-1.5 lbs, so it's very, very slow, but progressing.

    But, hey, you're down 23 lbs! That's great! It's more than 10% gone since your starting weight.

    Don't worry if you seem stuck for a bit, just keep going and eating at a deficit. It will come off. Slowly, but it will.