I eat too much!

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
Hi, In 5 months I have lost 0 lbs. In fact I have gained 5 lbs. I gained it doing the metabolism reset.

Was I just eating whatever crap I wanted? No, I ate healthy, I just had my numbers figured wrong. I really thought I could lose at over 2000 a day. I just kept right on maintaining. 1800 maintaining.

I have finally started a downward trend. I am now eating 1660 a day. I am 5'8" 37 yr old.
cw 185
gw 160

This means I am probably eating below my BMR every day. If I count NEAT. I eat back my exercise calories.

perfect weight 144 from Hello its dan. I had him run my numbers for me. But reading off my omron calorie thingamabob I gave him an inflated number. It says I burn about 2600 per day. So why don`t I lose after doing a reset and cut to 2000.

Eating more to weigh less doesn`t mean your going to lose at 2000 a day. That had me so confused. I thought it meant I could eat more to lose. I am not at 1200 so I am assuming it`s o.k..

I got my newest number from MFP and backed up by this formula from women`s health mag.

multiply your goal weight by 10-12 depending on how much you exercise. This is the amount of calories you should eat every day to lose.
Once at your goal weight multiply by 12-14 to maintain.

This gives me 1600 to lose and 2240 to maintain.

This is the first downward trend I have had since joining MFP in march. To any of you struggling after Metabolic Reset. Try the formula and see if it matches your numbers.


  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    My God I should hope I don't have to eat according to that calculation because at most it gives me 1380/day. Pretty sure there's no way in hell I can eat that little and still function. NET maybe, but never just eat that much total. Never, ever, ever. :P

    ETA: even in my VLCD days I ate around 15/1600 cal/day I just worked out until my NET was below 900 and I was losing weight insanely fast. There is srsly no way I could exercise, raise my kids, do chores, think clearly and critically on 1380 a day. Some might but not me.
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    That calculation puts me at 1350 calories per day....which is even below my BMR. I'm not all that active right now, but my BodyMedia Fit tells me I burn 2200 calories daily. I can also tell you that I wasn't losing when I was eating 1400 calories a day, which is how I know my metabolism needs help.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I am using it as a net calculation. I`m eating back my exercise cal.
    I know, I thought it sounded low too. Especially after doing the reset.
    Maybe you would put your calculation at a 12 because you exercise more?

    I haven`t lost at any of the higher numbers either, even after trying them for more than a month. Does Women`s health mag want to kill me? My BMR is 1560.

    But helloit`sdan ran my numbers for me. He says my perfect weight is 144. I`m shooting a little higher first.

    The have a workout by Leigh Peele in the same book. And Alwyn Cosgrove from NROLFW. I wonder who their nutritionist is.....
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    That calculation only gave me 2100 to maintain...and I'm maintaining right now eating between 2200-2600 calories a day...
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Holley your so lucky! I'm not losing weight at all. I wish I could lose at 2000. I am just hoping to lose at all. After 5 mo. you get pretty fed up.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I increased cals to 2300-2400 to 'reset" (I am 5'8" and 173 pounds) I ended up going from 167 to 175!! I did the reset thing for 2 mos and was not losing, so decreased by 200 and finally at 1700 or so I started losing a little, but still at 173-174!!

    And I had the bodymedia too, which estimated my average daily burn at 2500, so obviously that was wrong as well.!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You might think that your calculations are wrong because you aren't seeing a scale loss, but there can be other things going on inside your body before hte scale number changes.

    I stuck it out with no loss for 8 weeks and then the scale finally started dropped for me. Sometimes it just takes time.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Holley your so lucky! I'm not losing weight at all. I wish I could lose at 2000. I am just hoping to lose at all. After 5 mo. you get pretty fed up.

    What type of exercise are you doing? If you're strength training, it could be loss of fat/gain of muscle...
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm not lucky, just very active without much exercise! I run around like a crazy person all day. When was the last time you had bloodwork done? Is it possible that you have a Vitamin/mineral deficiency? Sometimes those can throw you off weight-wise.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I started eating more 6 mos ago, increasing from 1600 to 2000, then gradually up to 2400 and gained 10 pounds and all my measurements went up and I went up a size in clothes as well. I am not willing to give it more time. For me 6 mos is enough!! I clearly cant eat that much. I think especially for me, calories burned are really inaccurate for whatever reason, and hormones also come into play. Believe me I wish I could eat that much, but I was visibly getting flabbier :(
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Bump. I've also upped my cals, started lifting this spring, and I'm up to 170-173 depending on the day. I'm thinking I need to go back down in cals as well or add more cardio.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I gained 13 lbs eating more. So I definitely started doing something else this past month. I am not getting on the scale until I see the fat go somewhat away on my midsection or until clothing fits better. years ago I never weighed myself and was the happiest ever. I was almost at my goal before I started EM2WL 3 months or so ago. So right now I'm listening to my body (Intuitive Eating...google it). It worked for me 10 years ago (didnt know it had a name though at the time) so I'm sure it will work again as constantly counting cals, grams or whatever makes me obsessed and has taken me back to my "disorder" days.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    By lowering your cals you will only go back to square one.

    You will be losing, yes, but what are you going to do if you stall? Lower even more?
    Believe me, I know how it frustrating it can be, but this does work.
    A deficit is a deficit, and for some it just takes that much longer until the body stabilizes.

    I am eating more for good 4 months now too. I am up 10 lbs and I have not lost anything, even though I am on cut.
    But I know that it will work eventually.

    You have come such a long way. You really should reconsider.
  • FitterGill
    FitterGill Posts: 25 Member
    By lowering your cals you will only go back to square one.

    You will be losing, yes, but what are you going to do if you stall? Lower even more?
    Believe me, I know how it frustrating it can be, but this does work.
    A deficit is a deficit, and for some it just takes that much longer until the body stabilizes.

    I am eating more for good 4 months now too. I am up 10 lbs and I have not lost anything, even though I am on cut.
    But I know that it will work eventually.

    You have come such a long way. You really should reconsider.

    THIS ^^^
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    my story too
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    SIGH. I wish I could believe it! I would love to. But how long does it take? How much do i gain before I have to take a step back and reassess??
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    SIGH. I wish I could believe it! I would love to. But how long does it take? How much do i gain before I have to take a step back and reassess??
    When Kiki told me her story and how much she gained when she started the process I finally stopped to worry. It takes commitment and determination, yes. And nobody can really tell you how long it will take. But if you believe in it, things will turn around eventually.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I think you can try some trial and error within reason. Trying upping or lowering your calories by 200 for a few weeks and see how your body responds. Also try playing with your macros a bit. Each person's body responds differently, even though I agree you body needs fuel for living and all the exercise. Don't cut it too close.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I gained 13 lbs eating more. So I definitely started doing something else this past month. I am not getting on the scale until I see the fat go somewhat away on my midsection or until clothing fits better. years ago I never weighed myself and was the happiest ever. I was almost at my goal before I started EM2WL 3 months or so ago. So right now I'm listening to my body (Intuitive Eating...google it). It worked for me 10 years ago (didnt know it had a name though at the time) so I'm sure it will work again as constantly counting cals, grams or whatever makes me obsessed and has taken me back to my "disorder" days.

    I really like the idea of intuitive eating. I read the book on it before I embarked on my journey here. I did a VLCD for 6 weeks total. Eating at my TDee had me stuffing myself and drinking more wine than I should because i had extra cals and I like wine.

    I do strength training right now and am very active during the day. But I am not doing a lot of cardio right now . It`s too damn hot to run outside. I am not losing inches either, if I was I would think o.k.

    I don't think I will be back at square one because I actually am way behind square one. I weighed less before I started counting calories. I haven`t even started yet. What have I got to lose.

    did everyone also know that livestrong promotes a 1200 cal diet for most women. It seems like the more I research the more confusing it gets. I really trust that site. Weird.

    I am actually surprised that some of you have the same problem. I thought everyone was losing but me.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    @JessLLoser: I felt the samee way!! It seemed everyone here is losing and since I started on MFP I have gained 10 lbs. WTF!!!!!!!!

    I dont know what to do....